Create a report to recommend performance-improvement strategies that will help TransGlobal Airlines be more sustainable.

Create a report to recommend performance-improvement strategies that will help TransGlobal Airlines be more
sustainable. Specifically, you must address the following criteria:
Use the TransGlobal Airlines Information document to identify a strategic goal for the company’s sustainability
Based on your understanding and research about sustainability objectives and practices, where do you envision
the company will be in 10 years with respect to its sustainability measures?
Identify a KPI and corresponding target measures for the sustainability goal identified.
Recommend at least two performance improvement strategies that will help achieve the sustainability objectives
of the company. Support your recommendations with a clear cause-and-effect rationale.

You are the controller of a public Fortune 500 airline, TransGlobal Airlines. The airline utilizes a fleet of
corporate jets for private charter by Fortune 500 clients at several major airports. The company is looking to
acquire smaller aviation firms as part of an overall growth strategy. In addition to creating an acquisition
proposal, the CFO has asked you to create a report recommending a few performance-improvement strategies so
that the company will meet your overall sustainability goals.


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