Create an Infographic which reviews each set of standards, components, and guidelines. Include the following for each: 1. A brief description and summary of the purpose of the set of standards/

Create an Infographic which reviews each set of standards, components, and guidelines. Include the following for each: 1. A brief description and summary of the purpose of the set of standards/components/guidelines. What is its purpose? 2. A discussion of its impact on classroom instruction. How does this set of standards/components/guidelines direct instruction? 3. An example demonstrating how each might be observed in the classroom. Emphasize differentiation here. For example, suppose a teacher incorporates a WebQuest and VR trip into their students’ investigation of Egyptian tombs. This is an example of TPACK in the classroom because it combines the teacher’s content knowledge of Egyptian tombs demonstrated by selecting age-appropriate websites for students to explore with their pedagogical knowledge and use of technology.


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