Critically evaluate your emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses relative to your observation group.

Write your assignment with specific analyses of your competencies and competency gaps as indicated by the Genos emotional intelligence survey in Topic 2; the communication styles survey in Topic 3; and your observations of consumer behaviour in Topic 4.

You should discuss the following five (5) points at a minimum in your assignment.

1. Recall that Assignment 1 required you to identify a key business problem, the context of which can be elaborated with concepts of behavioural finance. Based on the context, you are required to give brief examples of the general level of emotional intelligence across a group you can observe . Apply Daniel Goleman’s emotional intelligence competency framework, presented in Topic 2. The objective is to observe emotional intelligence behaviours in practice.
2. Critically evaluate your emotional intelligence strengths and weaknesses relative to your observation group. Consider elements from your environment that impact on your strengths and weaknesses and how you can leverage off your strengths to take advantage of opportunities and overcome threats that impact your weaknesses. Apply your Genos emotional intelligence survey results. The objective is to identify opportunities where you can support your group and manage threats that you need to overcome as a group, and areas where you should rely on support from the group.
3. Evaluate your communication style . Comment on the implications of your style and others’ possible perceptions of your authenticity.


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