I dont know how to handle this Computer Science question and need guidance.
1.Create a policy for 802.11 Wi-Fi security in a wireless network in a five-person company with one access point. This isnot a trivial task. Do not just jot down a few notes. Make it a one-page document for people in your firm to read, not something for your teacher to read.
2. Do the following:
Download Wireshark.
Start Wireshark.
Turn on Wireshark capture.
Type a URL in your browser
window (not Wikipedia.org).
After a few seconds, stop the capture.
Answer the following questions:
1a. What URL did you use? What
was the IP address of the web?
1b. Find the frame in which your
PC sent the SYN packet. List the
source and destination IP ad?
dress, the source and destination
port numbers, and the header
1c. Select the SYN/ACK packet. List
the source and destination IP ad?
dress, the source and destination
port numbers, and the header
1d. Select the packet that acknowl?
edges the SYN/ACK segment.
List the source and destination
IP address, the source and des?
tination port numbers, and the
header checksum.
2. Change the options so that only packets
you send are recorded. Do a capture.
Click on the window containing Wire?
shark and hit Alt-Enter. This captures
the window to your clipboard. Paste it
into your homework.
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