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- Follow the instructions on the worksheet. I attached the previous write-ups. And i need it to look like this. Below is an example Research Report Throughout this course, I have been introduced to many new things. Statics has never been the easiest for me, but this curse opened my mind to many new things and ideas. Salkind stated that -statistics is the science of organizing and analyzing information to make it more easily understood—made these tasks doable. Any of the results from such studies are useful because we can use statistics to make sense of them. And that’s exactly the goal of this book—to understand these basic tools and how researchers use them and, of course, how to use them yourself.- (Salkind, 2017). -Why was the t-test for independent means used? Sjostedt and his colleagues were interested in finding out whether there was a difference in the average scores of one (or more) variable(s) between the two groups independent of one another. By independent, we mean that the two groups were not related. Each participant in the study was tested only once. The researchers applied a t-test for independent means, concluding that the differences between the two groups were significant at or beyond the .0001 level for each of the outcome variables. Such a small Type I error means that there is very little chance that the difference in scores between the two groups was due to something other than group membership, in this case representing nationality, culture, or ethnicity.- (Salkind, 2017). Independent Sample t-test An independent t-test was conducted to compare the mean kindergarten kids with two-parent households (N=30, M=5.53, SD=2.063) with the kindergarten students who didn’t have a two-parent household (N=30, M=6.70, SD=5.72). This comparison was found not statistically significant. The results indicate that family background did vary throughout the school and did not differ in the likelihood of being in a certain culture Discussion This independent sample t-test was brought about after experiencing different types of households and relationships working at the school. The findings suggest that results also varied due to cultural differences. These results also help understand the behavior. We have children who behave better at school that come from two-parent households because of having two parents to help out, versus a single-parent household with one parent who might not be able to oversee behaviors as much as a two-parent. Correlations Pearson Correlations were conducted to see the relationship among different types of intimate relationships between married couples with and without kids. All correlations were statistically significant, revealing strong positive relationships between three different types of intimacy relationships. The strongest relationships were between marriages with kids (r = .574) and marriages without kids (r = 1). Marriages with no intimacy was also significantly associated with kids and no kids (r = .008). The results indicate that the relationship can be different in intimacy when married couples have kids or not. Discussion I also make sample t-tests based on my experiences during my work. This correlation resulted in marriages with little intimacy may be due to having kids versus couples without children. Research on Social Work Practice (Reflection) Statistical significance by itself is not very meaningful unless what you are studying is conducted with a good base that lends some meaning to the significance of the outcome (Salkind, 2017c).- A statistical significance is a degree of risk you are willing to take that you will reject a null hypothesis when it is true- (Salkind, 2017c). Suppose you find a statistically significant difference between the two groups (whether positively or negatively reflecting the treatment). In that case, you can reject the null and accept that the treatment caused the difference between the groups (Salkind, 2017). -A t-test for dependent means involves a comparison of means from each group of scores and focuses on the differences between the scores.- (Salkind, 2017). A t-test examines the relationship between variables or examines the difference between groups of one more variable (Salkind, 2017). Understanding this will help me learn and understand the populations being worked with. This will give the social worker hindsight on their problems firsthand and make things smoother. A correlation coefficient is a numerical index that reflects the relationship between two variables (Salkind, 2017). The correlation reflects the dynamic quality of the relationship between variables. It allows us to understand whether variables tend to move in the same direction or in opposite directions (Salkind, 2017). There can be a positive correlation or a negative correlation, which demonstrates the direction in which they change. A correlation always shows at least two data points. It helps one consider when factors appear to move in the same direction or opposite directions (Salkind, 2017). A correlation can range from -1.00 to +1.00. If the variables change in the same direction, they are called direct or positive correlations. However, if they change in the opposite direction, they are called indirect or negative correlations. Understanding correlations help better understand the population. Understanding this will help with result in the helping of the population. Being able to write a research report will contribute to social work knowledge. This helps with knowing the community, but it also helps your team. It is good for evidence. It’s always good to show proof of things. These research reports help keeps things in date and order. References Salkind, N. J. (2017c). Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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