Demonstrate your ability to ethically and accurately track, record and communicate your observations and measurements in your scientific writing.

Your risk assessment and ethical considerations must be approved by your lecturer before you begin your practical investigation.
As this is a laboratory report, it should be written in third person narrative and all scientific terms used should be defined. Someone who has not carried out this practical before should be able to replicate your method exactly.
– Apply analytical skills in collecting and assessing information using qualitative and
quantitative methods in order to make scientific conclusions

– Conduct your own research and cite all of your sources appropriately using the
Harvard referencing style.
– Demonstrate your ability to ethically and accurately track, record and communicate
your observations and measurements in your scientific writing.
– Write in the third person narrative and all scientific terms used should be defined.
o Someone who has not carried out this practical before should be able to
replicate your method exactl


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