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This project is an in depth investigation of a health condition. It will allow for the expansion of knowledge and the ability to generalize larger concepts to a variety of health conditions. 10011,11111101111ii,`,1111111100101,,,01!1.1,,,k,,011„,11,0,,,. oills1,” ,„1111„ , g111111„,,!,111,„ 1111,1„ course outcomes: This assignment en bi s the stild’Ont to meet the following course outcom 1. Explain the pathophysiologic processes of select health conditions. (PO 1)
- Predict clinical manifestations and complications of select disease processes. (PO 1, 8) . Correlate lifestyle environmental, and other influences with changes in levels of wellness. (PO
II ate: Your facuit “‘ dlitte11114114,–Mti,-,F0 IF to this assignment. Ifoitt,iif.,tipe,,4.1,_,. r , it – Total points possible: 100 poin Preparing the assignment
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ou when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applie
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment_ Speak with your faculty member if you 1)
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Select a disease process that interests you. Obtain approval of the selected disease process from the course facu a, Faculty will share how to submit your topic choice for approval. Write a 2-3 page paper (excluding title and reference pages)”’!!!!!!iiitrLi
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Include the following sections about the selected diseaseprocess (detailed criteria 1.11P,t, gi,k5 4,1 rr, “1, 101
Rubric 11- 4044 Lel a. introduction of disease – 20 points/20% • One paragraph (approximately 200 words • Includes disease description • Includes epidemiology of disea b. Etiology and risk factors – 20 points/20% • Common causes of the disease or conclit Risk factors for the disease or conclitio
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• Prevalence based on gender, Influence of environment • Genetic basis of disease • Lifestyle influences • Ail information supported by current literature c. Pathophysiological processes – 20 points/20%
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