Describe the patient and whatever condition they had, how it impacted their physiology, and how it was treated.

-Provide the link or the title of an episode of a medical show (e.g. Grey’s Anatomy, House, Scrubs, etc.) in which they actually treat a patient as the focal point of the episode instead of soap opera stuff.

Write an essay about the episode in which you’ll need to:
-Describe the patient and whatever condition they had, how it impacted their physiology, and how it was treated.
-Describe how the condition would actually be treated in the real world, as medical shows tend to only be mostly accurate, but some of them (especially Scrubs, funnily enough) might be spot on, in which case it’s okay if this section is short.
-You’ll likely need to consult online medical resources or Wikipedia and the like, but I won’t expect you to go in depth about things that’s like higher level physiology. Cover only stuff that you think is covered in college level General Physiology. (Contact me if you have any questions about this)
-Find and point out an inaccuracy in either the physiology or the treatment (aside from shocking a flatline).

-Contact me if you have any questions, in the attached file I included the Rubric that’s given to us.


  • Does Temin’s article change your views on the Great Depression, the dominance of the U.S. post-WWII, and the 1970s?
  • Discuss the applicability of this statement with reference to your own professional context.
  • Discuss how firms select their competitive strategy and overseas expansion strategy.
  • Write about a recent argument or disagreement from your life.
  • Explain how the principles and elements of design impact your solution?
  • Write an essay of at least five pages or approximately treating the writers life and contribution to literature.
  • Explain how democratic leadership can guide interdisciplinary cooperation seeking to drive a PDSA model in reducing a facility’s medication error problems.
  • Write with an awareness of audience and the diversity in subject matter (cultural perspective and gender perspective, national or geographic background, time period, structure and theme).
  • Write essay based on attached outline that you did.
  • Does the source appear to be biased or objective?


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