Determine which stakeholder groups have the most influence on each of the elements identified in the formal SWOT analysis and provide an explanation of the rationale to support your identification and how they impact the organizations strategic plan.

After reviewing your assessment of the organizations approach to addressing recent health care legislation and related evaluation of the strategic response commonly employed, leadership has asked you to develop an in-depth analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) facing the organization (Cleveland Clinic) that can be used to support strategic planning. (Previous paper attached for review)

Prepare a report of 57 pages with a minimum of 5 relevant scholarly or professional peer-reviewed references that includes the following information:

1. Perform a formal SWOT analysis and identify and explain at least 57 elements in each category: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
2. Determine which stakeholder groups have the most influence on each of the elements identified in the formal SWOT analysis and provide an explanation of the rationale to support your identification and how they impact the organizations strategic plan.
3. Project the likely organizational and operational outcomes that are possible if changes are made based on the SWOT analysis and provide an explanation of the rationale supporting your projections.
4. Predict the future viability of the organization (Cleveland Clinic) if no changes are made based on the SWOT analysis and provide an explanation of the rationale supporting your projections.
5. Formulate at least 5 strategic recommendations that the organization (Cleveland Clinic) should consider pursuing to effectively compete in the health care marketplace.

Remember this paper must be in APA format. Don’t forget the updated version of APA must be used. Title page, introduction, body (organizing paper with bold and center headings), conclusion and reference page.


  • Statment of Purpose
  • What are your thoughts about the validity of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis in strategic planning?
  • Determine which stakeholder groups have the most influence on each of the elements identified in the formal SWOT analysis and provide an explanation of the rationale to support your identification and how they impact the organizations strategic plan.
  • Discuss a system of communication that is, or was, used in a past or present organization in which you worked.
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Write a first-person narrative essay about an event that impacted your life. Include the conflict and the resolution in your narrative and develop the story line appropriately to engage the reader. Remember, the most effective narratives follow a five-point development series (see below for a description of the five points).
  • Identification of Research Statement
  • Effect: Access to fresh produce and other healthy food is limited in lower income communities.
  • Strategic communications
  • How do you feel about any of these or other efforts to amend the Constitution?


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