Assessment Task Cover Sheet

?Students to complete this section

Student ID


Assessment Due Date
Date of submission

Student Declaration:

I declare that I have been advised of the assessment requirements, the RTO’s policies and procedures related to reassessment. I am aware of the requirement of this assessment, and I agree to the way in which I am being assessed. I am aware of my rights to appeal the decisions regarding assessment.

I declare that the assessment tasks are my own work. None of this work has been completed by any other person. I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s in the completion of this work. I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks. I understand that if I am found to be in breach of the RTO’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

If you have any special needs or considerations that must be made in preparation for this assessment, please email




Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Assessment Task Result

☐ Satisfactory   ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is a reassessment or resubmission required?

☐ Yes  ☐ No

Resubmission Notes:






Assessment Task 2: Gather Sustainability Data

Assessment Task Result

☐ Satisfactory   ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is a reassessment or resubmission required?

☐ Yes  ☐ No

Resubmission Notes:






Assessment Task 3: Develop Sustainability Processes

Assessment Task Result

☐ Satisfactory   ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is a reassessment or resubmission required?

☐ Yes  ☐ No

Resubmission Notes:






Assessor name:


Assessor signature:




Assessment Task 4: Implement and Monitor Sustainability Processes

Assessment Task Result

☐ Satisfactory   ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is a reassessment or resubmission required?

☐ Yes  ☐ No

Resubmission Notes:






Assessor name:


Assessor signature:























































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Table of Contents

Assessment Overview. 6

Assessment Task Summary. 6

Assessment Documents. 6

Required Additional Documents. 6

Assessment Task Cover Sheet 6

The Assessment Process and Your Rights. 7

Submitting your Assessment Tasks. 7

Assessment Attempts and Resubmissions. 7

Assessment Outcomes. 7

Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion. 7

Assessment Appeals. 8

Reasonable Adjustment 8

Information about Assessment 8

Dimensions of Competency. 8

Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence. 9

Principles of Assessment 9

Rules of Evidence. 9

Glossary of Instructional Task Words. 9

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions. 11

Assessment Task 2: Gather Sustainability Data. 17

Part A: Identify Sustainability Legislation, Scope and Stakeholders. 18

Part B: Gather Sustainability Data. 20

Assessment Task 3: Develop Sustainability Processes. 23

Part A: Develop a Sustainability Policy. 24

Part B: Develop a Sustainability Plan. 26

Assessment Task 4: Implement and Monitor Sustainability Processes. 28

Part A: Promote Sustainability Initiatives and Responsibilities. 29

Part B: Monitoring and Record-Keeping Process. 31

Part C: Implement Strategies and Communicate Outcomes. 33

Part D: Undertake Continuous Improvements. 35

Assessment Overview

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your assessment tasks for BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability.

Assessment Task Summary

This unit requires you to complete four assessment tasks. You must satisfactorily complete all tasks to achieve competency for this unit.

Assessment Task
Assessment Method
Task Summary

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions
Written questions
Students must answer five written questions in an open-book written assessment.

Assessment Task 2: Gather Sustainability Data
Project and role-play
This task consists of two parts:

§  Part A: Identify Sustainability Legislation, Scope and Stakeholders

§  Part B: Gather Sustainability Data

Assessment Task 3: Develop Sustainability Processes
Project and role-play
This task consists of two parts:

§  Part A: Develop a Sustainability Policy

§  Part B: Develop a Sustainability Plan

Assessment Task 4: Implement and Monitor Sustainability Processes
Project and role-play
This task consists of four parts:

§  Part A: Promote Sustainability Initiatives and Responsibilities

§  Part B: Monitoring and Record-Keeping Process

§  Part C: Implement Strategies and Communicate Outcomes

§  Part D: Undertake Continuous Improvements

Assessment Documents

Required Additional Documents

The following additional documents support this Student Assessment Booklet and form part of the assessment tool for this unit. You will require them to complete the assessments for this unit.
CBSA Communication Policies and Procedures
CBSA Business Plan
CBSA Policy and Procedure Template
CBSA Email Template

Assessment Task Cover Sheet

At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for each task where you need to submit items for assessment, making sure you sign the student declaration.
Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task and will write this on the back of the Task Cover Sheet.

The Assessment Process and Your Rights

Submitting your Assessment Tasks

When you have completed your assessment tasks, you will need to submit them, according to the instructions provided to you by your assessor or RTO.
If you are provided with a due date, you must make sure you submit your tasks in accordance with it. You may be required to apply for an extension if you require extra time, according to your RTO’s policies and procedures.
Instructions about submission can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.
Make sure you keep a copy of your tasks before you submit them. Your RTO will need to keep them as evidence and may not be able to return them to you.

Assessment Attempts and Resubmissions

You have up to three attempts to complete each assessment tasks satisfactorily. If after the third attempt, you have not completed a task satisfactorily, your assessor will make alternative arrangements for assessment, which may involve additional training and time to consolidate your skills and knowledge. When you are required to resubmit, you may be required to:
resubmit incorrect answers to questions (such as for written tasks and case studies)
resubmit all or part of a project, depending on how the error affects the overall outcome of the task
redo a role-play after being provided with appropriate feedback about their original performance
be observed a second (or third) time undertaking any tasks or activities that were not completed satisfactorily the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.
When you are required to resubmit, you’ll be given a due date for your resubmission. For example, you may:
be given 30 days in which to resubmit incorrect responses to written tasks, projects and so on
be provided with on-the-day feedback about their performance in a role-play and then redo the task immediately
need to redo workplace-based tasks (if applicable) during the same workplace visit or in a later observation – you should discuss arrangements with the student’s supervisor to agree on a suitable time and date for reassessment.
All re-submissions will be conducted in accordance with the RTO’s policies and procedures.

Assessment Outcomes

Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS). You must complete all tasks satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of tasks are assessed as Not Satisfactory, you will be given an outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC).
You will be given a total of three attempts to complete each task and achieve a Satisfactory outcome. In the case of resubmission, you will be given a date by which you will need to resubmit, and you’ll be given feedback about what needs to be addressed in your resubmission.

Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion

Plagiarism, cheating and collusion on assessments is not acceptable. Any incidence of this is considered academic misconduct. The definitions of each of these are below.
cheating – seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in the assessment of any piece of work
plagiarism – to take and use the ideas and/or expressions and/or wording of another person or organisation and pass them off as your own by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement. This includes material from any sources, such as staff members, other students, authors, texts, resources and the internet, whether published or unpublished
collusion – unauthorised collaboration between students.
Where your assessor believes there has been an incident of academic misconduct involving plagiarism, cheating, and/or collusion, this will be addressed in line with the RTO’s policies and procedures which may ultimately lead to your withdrawal or you needing to complete the whole unit again.

Assessment Appeals

If you don’t agree with an assessment decision made, you have the right to appeal it. You may need to lodge your request for an appeal within a certain amount of time from the original decision being made. You will need to make your appeal in writing and follow your RTO’s process for appeals. Refer to your Student Handbook for more information about our appeals process.

Reasonable Adjustment

A legislative and regulatory framework underpins and supports the delivery of vocational education and training across Australia. Under this framework, providers of vocational education and training must take steps to ensure that students with recognised disabilities have the same learning opportunities and same opportunities to perform and complete assessments as students without disabilities. Sometimes reasonable adjustments are made to the learning environment, training delivery, learning resources and/or assessment tasks to accommodate the particular needs of a student with a disability. An adjustment is reasonable if it can accommodate the student’s particular needs while also taking into account factors such as:
the views of the student
the potential effect of the adjustment on the student and others
the costs and benefits of making the adjustment.
RTOs are obliged by law to provide reasonable adjustments where required to ensure maximum participation of students with a disability.
Making reasonable adjustments requires the RTO to balance the need for change with the expense or effort involved in making this change. If an adjustment requires a disproportionately high expenditure or disruption, it is not likely to be reasonable.[1]
Please discuss with your assessor if you believe a reasonable adjustment to an assessment task, method or process needs to be made on the basis of disability.

Information about Assessment

Dimensions of Competency

To be competent, you must show your ability to perform effectively in a broad capacity. The dimensions of competency ensure the person being assessed has the skills to perform competently in a variety of different circumstances. To be competent, you must demonstrate the following:
Task Skills: The skills needed to perform a task at an acceptable level. They include knowledge and practical skills, and these are usually described in the performance criteria.
Task Management Skills: These are skills in organising and coordinating, which are needed to be able to work competently while managing a number of tasks or activities within a job.
Contingency Skills: The skills needed to respond and react appropriately to unexpected problems, changes in routine and breakdowns while also performing competently.
Job Role/Environment Skills: The skills needed to perform as expected in a particular job, position, location and with others. These skills may be described in the range of variables and underpinning skills and knowledge.

Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence

Assessment must be conducted in accordance with the rules of evidence and principles of assessment. The following definitions of these terms are taken from the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s Users’ guide: standards for registered training organisations (RTOs) 2015.

Principles of Assessment

Validity: ‘Any assessment decision of the RTO is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner. Validity requires:
assessment against the unit(s) of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge that are essential to competent performance
assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application
assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations
judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.’
Reliability: ‘Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment.’
Flexibility: ‘Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by:
reflecting the learner’s needs
assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired
drawing from a range of assessment methods and using those that are appropriate to the context, the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual.’
Fairness: ‘The individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process. Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual learner’s needs. The RTO informs the learner about the assessment process and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.’

Rules of Evidence

Validity: ‘The assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.’
Sufficiency: ‘The assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.’
Currency: ‘The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.’
Authenticity: ‘The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work.’

Glossary of Instructional Task Words

The assessment tasks use a range of instructional words, such as ‘compare’ and ‘list’. These terms will guide the student and yourself regarding the level of detail that must be provided in students’ answers. Some questions will also tell you how many answers students need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’. Use the following glossary to guide you in interpreting the words in the tasks:
Analyse: This means you should break an issue down into its component parts, identify them and explain how they relate. You should discuss the issue in detail and methodically.
Compare: This means you should describe the similarity or differences between two or more things, ensuring you also discuss the relevance of the differences. You may also be asked to ‘contrast’, as in ‘compare and contrast’, which means you are also focusing on the dissimilarity.
Define: This means that you should explain, in your own words, the meaning or interpretation of a term or concept, including any qualities that are essential to understanding.
Describe: This means that you should outline the most noticeable qualities or features of an idea, topic or the focus of the
Discuss: This means that you must point out the important issues, features, key points and possible interpretations of the question, and debate these through argument, providing reasons for and against them.
Evaluate: This means you must judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount, or value of something. You must provide an in-depth answer with as much detail as possible.
Examine: This means you must look at, or consider, the item or subject carefully and in detail to discover something about it. You will need to provide a detailed response with key points and features. You should provide a response with as much detail as possible, but a minimum of one or two paragraphs in length. Examine is similar to analyse.
Explain: This means that you need to make something clear or show your understanding by describing or providing information about a topic. You will need to make clear how or why something happened or why something is the way it is.
Identify: This means that you must recognise something and indicate the required information. The length of your answer should be guided by what it is that you are being asked to identify.
List: This means that you must record short pieces of information in the form of a numbered or bulleted list, with one or two words, phrases or sentences on each line.
Outline: This means that you must give a brief description of the main facts or sequence of events about something. The length of the response should be guided by what you are required to outline. As long as you include the main facts or points, your response will be sufficient.


Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Task summary
§  This is an open-book written assessment.

§  There are five questions and some questions have sub-parts.

§  You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a Satisfactory outcome for this task.

Resources and equipment required
§  Access to your learning materials

§  Access to a computer, printer and the internet

§  Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)

Where and when this task will be completed
§  You will complete this task in your own time, or you may be provided with time in class to complete it (where applicable)

§  You will be advised of the due date for this task

What happens if you get something wrong
If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect or insufficient, they will make arrangements with you for resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may need to provide new written responses to the questions that you answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give you a due date by which this must be done.


Submission requirements
¨  Your answers for each question


Task instructions
§  This is an open-book written assessment – you can refer to your learning materials.

§  You must answer all questions and their parts correctly to achieve a Satisfactory outcome for this task.

§  Refer to the Glossary of Instructional Task Words for descriptions of instructional words that will guide you in the level of response required in each question.



Question 1

Identify the Australian Government’s central piece of environmental legislation and discuss its purpose.


Question 2

Identify the international standard of social responsibility and discuss its purpose.


Question 3

Explain the appropriate process for developing a policy and procedure.


Who are the types of people that should be consulted with during policy development?


What strategies can you implement for monitoring and reviewing policies?




Question 4

Explain how you would approach each of the following barriers and challenges when implementing policies and procedures.


An employee does not believe the new policy will be a benefit to the workplace. They are too stuck in their old ways and are resistant to change.

New policies and procedures are too complex to follow, so employees avoid using it.

Most of the policies and procedures have not been updated for some time because management does not want to allocate resources for the updates.

Question 5

The manager of a small business has just replaced the existing lights to energy-saving bulbs. They decided to implement the change in order to save on energy use and do their part within the community in promoting sustainable practices and helping the environment.

Over the next quarter, they would like to see how the change in light bulbs impacts their usage and overall costs on the business. Explain how they could monitor costs and encourage staff usage over the next quarter.


Before implementing a new energy-saving policy, the manager must identify the responsibilities of everyone involved. This will help keep people accountable. Outline the roles and responsibilities for management and employees involved in the policy.




Over the next quarter, the small business received their bill. Examine the usage against the same quarter in the previous year and calculate the total usage.

Last year
This year





Total kilowatts
Total kilowatts

The small business manager is proud of the strong results they have attained on their energy use and staff engagement after the last quarter and would like to share their achievements with the wider community. Identify some ways the small business could promote their sustainable practices.




Assessment Task 2: Gather Sustainability Data


The following Assessment Tasks use a simulated business called Complete Business Solutions Australia (CBSA). To complete the tasks, you will need to access information, templates, and policies and procedures found on the CBSA website. Your assessor will provide you with login details. Navigate to, select ‘Log in’ and enter your username and password prior to completing your Assessment Tasks.

For this assessment, you will play the role of Dave O’Connor, CBSA Sustainability Consultant. CBSA is a consultancy service providing assistance with compliance, finances, human resources, information technology and other business needs to ensure that businesses have the expertise and support that they need to survive and prosper. You should familiarise yourself with what CBSA does, the company’s services and history, its organisational structure and its employees. Ensure that you read the CBSA Business Plan to understand the company’s mission, vision and business objectives.


Task summary
In this task you will be developing processes for sustainability initiatives. This task consists of two parts:

§  Part A: In this part, you will be identifying the scope, objectives and stakeholders for sustainability initiatives

§  Part B: In this part, you will be gathering sustainability information from multiple sources.

Resources and equipment required
§  Three (or more) additional students for role play activities

§  Access to textbooks and other learning materials

§  Access to a computer with the internet and email

§  Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program)

§  CBSA Policies and Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website)

§  CBSA Business Plan (accessible via the CBSA website)

§  CBSA Policy and Procedure Template (accessible via the CBSA website)

Where and when this task will be completed
§  You will be advised of the due date for this task.

What happens if you get something wrong
If you get something wrong, you will need to resubmit that part of the task or the related document that has not been completed correctly or fully.

Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.

Task instructions
You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.

Part A: Identify Sustainability Legislation, Scope and Stakeholders

To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Monday 11:14 a.m.

Sustainability Scope, Objectives and Stakeholder Identification

To Dave,

Welcome to the Governance department. Congratulations on accepting the job role as a Sustainability Consultant.

While all of us here at CBSA want you to be offering sustainability consultancy services to our clients as soon as possible, I am concerned by the fact that CBSA currently has no sustainability initiatives in place. Therefore I would like your first project to be setting up sustainability initiatives for our staff and operations. I’m sure that many things can be improved from a sustainability viewpoint, so I’m happy for you to begin straight away. I would like you to look at waste, chemical usage and energy and water consumption to determine what we are doing and what we can improve.

For the first task of this project, I would like you draft me an email outlining the scope and objectives for the sustainability initiatives and identify both the stakeholders for this project and any relevant legislation we must adhere to. While I’m expecting all our staff members to be stakeholders, there must also be some external stakeholder groups that we need to consult with.


Kind regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222



Task Instructions

Refer to the CBSA Business Plan, including the Org Chart, and CBSA policies and procedures (all accessible via the CBSA website) to get an understanding about the organisation and its processes. Then draft an email to, provide your answers to the following proposals:

Define a scope and objectives for the sustainability initiatives.
Define who the likely stakeholders will be for this project.
Outline one environmental or sustainability legislation, one regulation and one code of practice applicable to sustainability for the organisation and explain how they can be used to plan and develop the organisation’s sustainability policy.

Submission requirements: Part A
¨  Draft email



Part B: Gather Sustainability Data

To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Tuesday 11:01AM

Sustainability Data

Sustainability Audit Report.docx

To Dave,

Thanks for confirming the scope and the stakeholders for the sustainability project.

About four weeks before you were employed, we hired a sustainability consultancy company to do an audit of our current sustainability practices. I have attached this for your review. While the audit contained some interesting observations from a third-party, I would also like you to undertake a consultation session with some of the stakeholder representatives to get their thoughts and observations. Can you please meet with them to get their feedback in regard to how sustainability can be improved?

Kind regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Sustainability Audit Report.docx

Sustainability Audit Report

Auditor name
Jane Powers (Sustainable Edge Pty Ltd)
Date of audit

CBSA head office, 300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Energy Audit

Fluorescent lighting is used across the ceilings and yellow downlights in other rooms. Not sure if they are energy saving bulbs but checked with my manager who said some of them are energy saving.

The office equipment uses high amounts of energy to run computers, printers, photocopier, fax machine, radio as well as additional monitors. Staff also leave their computers running even if they are away from them for more than a few hours. These currently don’t have any power saving programs running so the computers and monitors are using full power while not being used.

The staff kitchen has a dishwasher and standard kitchen appliances and white goods for food preparation and storage. There is a coffee machine which is used regularly throughout the day including a microwave which is also used quite a bit.

The air conditioner/heater is used quite a lot during the day and some staff bring in their own portable fans/heaters. These are the resources which probably use the most energy. The oven and fridge have low star ratings to indicate they are not very energy efficient, and the dishwasher has a reasonably energy star rating.

Lights are required to be turned on as soon as the workplace opens and they are left on all day until close, staff do not turn off room lights when not in use and they are often left on. Sometimes lights are left on overnight in some of the rooms by mistake. All power points are left on after the day and over weekends/closed days as there is no requirement in place for this to be turned off. In fact, some equipment is left on and people are discouraged from turning them off because it tends to reset the equipment and change original settings.

Water Audit

A high level of water is used. This is usually from the kitchen where the dish washer is used frequently throughout the day. While the dishwasher has a high energy star rating, it has also has a high-water consumption rating. Staff also use a lot of water for the coffee machine and electric jugs. On occasion I have noticed that staff will pour out water in the kettle and re-fill and re-boil it

Staff are seen turning off water appropriately most of the time, though sometimes taps are left slightly dripping. The bathrooms have normal taps which have been known to not be turned off on occasion until the next person comes in and notices.

There is a water tank/fountain which is used by staff and clients who visit. The paper cups provided with them are made of recyclable material. Often cups are left with wasted water sitting in them and thrown out.

Waste Audit

There are separate bins in the kitchen area to distinguish between recyclable material and general rubbish. There is no green/food waste bin for food scraps.

The office uses recyclable paper for printing. There are also whiteboards to minimise the amount of paper printed and wasted. There is a waste bin to dispose papers which staff will use. There is a separate bin to safely dispose printer ink and cartridges. In the kitchen there is a specific container to dispose of coffee pods. Some staff follow this but others have not seen the container because they were not told. There are also no reminders around the kitchen to encourage recycling practices.

They use re-usable material bags when shopping for supplies to minimise using and throwing out plastic bags. I’ve noticed that when it comes to printing, the workplace doesn’t utilise double sided printing and print in colour. Some staff also print when it is not required, just because it is easier for them to look at something in hard-copy form.

There are hand towels in the bathrooms which are regularly washed.

Staff tend to drink a lot of coffee in the mornings and I’ve noticed they will come in with cups of coffee made out of paper from local cafes. These paper cups and trays often accumulate in the rubbish bin and sometimes are not properly recycled and disposed of.

Chemical Audit

All the cleaning products contain chemicals. Some are multipurpose products so they are used for different cleaning tasks/jobs. Others are specific to the cleaning or washing task required. Staff are always responsible when managing cleaning products and follow correct work health and safety processes to ensure safe access, storage and maintenance. When empty, they are correctly disposed of or recycled.

Some of the products have a high level of toxicity and there is a large supply of these products in stock.

The washing detergents are environmentally friendly products which state they are safe for the environment. The washing products in the bathrooms are also environmentally friendly.

Task Instructions

Review the sustainability audit report attached with the email to get an idea of what current sustainability practices are taking place. Then you are to consult with representatives of the stakeholders. To undertake the consultation session, review the CBSA Communication Policy and Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website) for the delivery of presentations, and then undertake a consultation session with stakeholder representatives (role played by your assessor and classmates) in line with workplace procedures. The consultation session should be no longer than 15–20 minutes, and you will need to:
gain feedback in regard to waste and how it can be improved
gain feedback in regard to chemical usage and how it can be improved
gain feedback in regard to energy and water consumption and how it can be improved
take feedback notes which can be used for later assessment tasks.

During the consultation session, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  play a lead role in consulting and negotiating positive outcomes with a range of stakeholders

§  present information and seeks advice using language appropriate to audience

§  participate in discussions using listening and questioning to elicit the views of others and to clarify or confirm understanding

§  select and use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with internal and external stakeholders to seek or share information.

Submission requirements: Part B
¨  Performance recorded in Assessor Record Tool




Assessment Task 3: Develop Sustainability Processes

Task summary
In this task, you will be developing processes for sustainability initiatives. This task consists of two parts:

§  Part A: You will be developing a Sustainability policy

§  Part B: You will be developing a Sustainability Plan to support sustainability initiatives.

Resources and equipment required
§  Three (or more) additional students for role-play activities

§  Access to textbooks and other learning materials

§  Access to a computer with the internet and email

§  Access to Microsoft Word or a similar program.

§  CBSA Policies and Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website)

§  CBSA Business Plan (accessible via the CBSA website)

§  CBSA Policy and Procedure Template (accessible via the CBSA website)

§  Sustainability Plan Template (provided in Part B)

Where and when this task will be completed
§  You will be advised of the due date for this task

What happens if you get something wrong
If you get something wrong you will need to resubmit that part of the task or the related document that has not been completed correctly or fully.

Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.

Task instructions
You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.



Part A: Develop a Sustainability Policy

To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Thursday 9:29 a.m.

Sustainability Policy

To Dave,

Thanks for undertaking the sustainability consultation session. I hope it was worthwhile. Now that you have some feedback in regard to current sustainability processes, I think the first step to getting staff onboard with sustainability is to develop a Sustainability Policy. The policy must include:

§  what the purpose of the policy is

§  the sustainability goals

§  the legislation relevant to the policy

§  employee responsibilities

§  sustainability strategies

§  implementation into the wider organisational policies and procedures.

Kind regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222

Task Instructions

Analyse the notes gathered from the consultation session to find meaningful insights. Then, use this information and the Sustainability Audit Report from the previous assessment part to develop a Sustainability Policy (the Policy and Procedure Template is accessible via the CBSA website) that documents:
the purpose of the policy
at least four sustainability goals for the organisation
relevant legislation for the policy
at least five employee responsibilities
at least six sustainability strategies that should be undertaken
how the policy will be implemented into the wider organisational policies and procedures.

Submission requirements: Part A
¨  Sustainability Policy



Part B: Develop a Sustainability Plan

To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Thursday 9:01 a.m.

Consultation Process

Sustainability Plan Template

To Dave,

Thanks for developing the Sustainability policy. This will be a useful guide for our organisation and our staff members in supporting sustainability initiatives. To further support these initiatives, I would like you to draw on your knowledge and the data you have gathered about current sustainability practices to identify three sustainability strategies that you believe will have the best impact on our organisation. For each, you need to consider the likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost compared to other possible strategies. I would also like you to specify how these strategies should be evaluated and how continuous improvement processes can be implemented, so that sustainability outcomes are steadily improved.

Please document your plan using the attached template.

Kind regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Sustainability Plan Template.docx

Sustainability Plan XX/XX/20XX


<<Insert the purpose of the plan here.>>

Sustainability Strategies

<<Use the following table to detail the strategies that will be employed to address the sustainability issues you have identified.>>

Actions steps
Resources required
Date to be completed
Performance indicators




Evaluation Methods

<<Insert the evaluation methods for this plan here.>>

Methods of Continuous Review and Improvement

<<Insert the continuous improvement methods here.>>

Task Instructions

Based on the data you have gathered in the previous assessment tasks, and the goals you have documented in the Sustainability Policy, develop a Sustainability Plan using the given template. The plan must document:
the purpose of the plan
three sustainability strategies to be implemented including:
individual actions needed to implement the strategy
any resource requirements (both human and physical) for the strategy
who is responsible for ensuring management and completion (you should refer to the Organisation Chart in the Business Plan on possible responsibility)
timeline of when it must be completed
the performance indicator on how it will be measured (for success or failure).
how performance will be evaluated
methods that can be employed for continuous improvement of sustainability practices.

Submission requirements: Part B
¨  Sustainability Plan




Assessment Task 4: Implement and Monitor Sustainability Processes

Task summary
In this task you will be implementing sustainability processes you have developed. This task consists of four parts:

§  Part A: In this part, you will be promoting the sustainability policy and initiatives

§  Part B: In this part, you will be developing a monitoring process and assigning responsibility for this process

§  Part C: In this part, you will be communicating performance outcomes based on result data

§  Part D: In this part, you will be implementing continuous improvements to sustainability processes

Resources and equipment required
§  Three (or more) additional students for role play activity

§  Access to a computer with the internet and email

§  Access to Microsoft Word or a similar program.

§  CBSA Policies and Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website)

§  CBSA Business Plan (accessible via the CBSA website)

§  Sustainability Policy (created in the previous assessment task)

§  Sustainability Plan (created in the previous assessment task)

§  Monitoring and Communication Plan (provided in Part B)

§  Email Template (accessible via the CBSA website)

Where and when this task will be completed
§  You will be advised of the due date for this task

What happens if you get something wrong
If you get something wrong you will need to resubmit that part of the task or the related document that has not been completed correctly or fully.

Your assessor will provide you with guidance as to what needs to be resubmitted and how.

Task instructions
You must complete all parts of the task outlined below.



Part A: Promote Sustainability Initiatives and Responsibilities

To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Monday 3:13 p.m.

Promoting Sustainability

To Dave,

Now that you have developed the Sustainability Policy and a Sustainability Plan to implement sustainability initiatives, I want you to promote these to staff by presenting the main components of these documents.

Hopefully, this will energise all our employees to get on board with the sustainability initiatives.

Kind Regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222

Task Instructions

You are to lead a presentation with representatives of the staff members affected by the sustainability initiatives explaining the Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Plan details. Review the CBSA Communication Policy and Procedures (accessible via the CBSA website) for the delivery of presentations, and then undertake a meeting with representatives of CBSA’s staff in line with workplace procedures. The presentation should be no longer than 10–15 minutes, and you will need to:
provide an outline of the Sustainability Policy including its goals
provide an outline of the Sustainability Plan with a focus on the three strategies and the actions and responsibility associated with each strategy.

During the presentation, your assessor will be looking to see that you can:

§  present information using language appropriate to audience

§  participate in discussions using listening and questioning to elicit the views of others and to clarify or confirm understanding

§  select and use appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with internal stakeholders to seek or share information.

Submission requirements: Part A
¨  No submission is required for this part.



Part B: Monitoring and Record-Keeping Process

To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Tuesday 4:18 p.m.

Sustainability Monitoring and Communication

Monitoring and Communication Plan.docx

To Dave,

Can you please develop a Monitoring and Communication Plan using the attached template for the sustainability initiatives to ensure that responsibility is assigned for monitoring and record-keeping purposes? This should allow us to have a system where results are recorded and communicated to relevant parties so that remedial actions can be undertaken if performance doesn’t meet expectations. The communication records will also serve as record-keeping documentation which can be reviewed during the later evaluation process.

Kind regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Monitoring and Communication Plan.docx

Monitoring and Communication Plan

<<List details for each communication including when it will be sent, who will receive it, who will send it, what format will be used, and what the communication is to contain.>>

Who to





Task Instructions

Based on the email, you are to develop a Monitoring and Communication Plan using the given template. For each sustainability strategy, you are to identify one way that the results can be monitored, including how it can be recorded and communicated including the following:
When the performance result should be communicated.
Who it should be communicated to.
Who should send the communication.
The format that the result should be communicated in.
What the contents of the communication should be.

Submission requirements: Part B
¨  Monitoring and Communication Plan



Part C: Implement Strategies and Communicate Outcomes

To begin this part, read the following email and its attachment, then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Friday 7:59 a.m.

Sustainability Implementation

Sustainability Performance Results.docx

To Dave,

Each of the sustainability strategies you have planned has been implemented, and I have attached some interim results for your review.

Kind regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222


Sustainability Performance Results.docx

Sustainability Performance Results


Is way behind schedule or not performing as expected.

Is performing as expected.

Is exceeding its expected performance.

Task Instructions

For the purpose of this task, you will role-play the person/people you have assigned responsibility for monitoring and reporting in the Monitoring and Communication Plan created in the previous activity. Based on this you are to document the communication for each strategy, interpreting the results in the Sustainability Performance Results attachment in line with the three strategies you have in your Sustainability Plan.
For each of the three communications, you must develop communication that:
uses the specified format for the communication as per the Monitoring and Communication Plan
addresses it to the appropriate person/people as per the Monitoring and Communication Plan
document the contents of the communication.
You are free to make up any details based on your strategies in line with the results for each. Depending on what your first strategy is, the results indicate that it ‘is way behind schedule or not performing as expected’ so you should communicate this. Repeat this process for the other two communications. As an example, if the first strategy is to ‘Reduce power consumption by 20%’, you could interpret the result of ‘is way behind schedule or not performing as expected’, because power consumption has increased. You must communicate this. You are free to make any interpretation that you like, as long as it is in keeping with the performance results for each strategy.
If your communication is to be specified as email format, you must use the organisation’s Email Template (accessible via the CBSA website). If you have selected other methods, you are free to develop the communication in line with the chosen method.

Submission requirements: Part C
¨  Communications of sustainability monitoring results



Part D: Undertake Continuous Improvements

To begin this part, read the following email and then complete the tasks that follow:

Dave O’Connor (dave.o’

Henry Thomas (

Monday 8:30 a.m.

Sustainability Continuous Improvements

To Dave,

Based on the communication on how the sustainability initiatives are performing, I want you to implement a continuous improvement process to ensure that the current success or failure is investigated and that appropriate improvements are undertaken in the Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Plan. Please analyse the performance communications, and then undertake updates as appropriate to ensure that continuous improvement is implemented for these documents.

Kind regards,

Henry Thomas

Governance Manager

300 Fictional Way, Sydney, NSW 2000

Phone: 1800 111 222

Task Instructions

Based on the performance results given in the attachment in the previous assessment task, and the communications you addressed in line with these, you must modify the Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Plan to ensure that improvements can be implemented in future. Ensure that you modify:
any sustainability goals, employee responsibilities, and/or sustainability strategies in the Sustainability Policy that you believe can be improved upon in line with the performance results
any strategies and associated actions in the Sustainability Plan that you believe can be improved upon in line with the performance results.
You must make at least two modifications to the Sustainability Policy and the one modification to the Sustainability Plan that will improve these documents.

Submission requirements: Part D
¨  Modified Sustainability Policy

¨  Modified Sustainability Plan


[1] Source: Innovation & Business Skills Australia. (2015). BSB business services training package: implementation guide. Retrieved from


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