Developing Assessment Instruments -Planning Instructional Strategy Discuss why, when, and how to incorporate criterion-referenced tests into the learning design process. In addition, design and develop tests that are suitable for learners and performance objectives. Then, focus on instructional strategy and how to engage students in learning. Review Gagne’s Conditions of Learning and Keller’s ARCS mode which will be helpful when planning instructional strategies. Also examine how to design or choose learning components according to learners’ maturity and ability levels.

Developing Assessment Instruments -Planning Instructional Strategy

Discuss why, when, and how to incorporate criterion-referenced tests into the learning design process.

In addition, design and develop tests that are suitable for learners and performance objectives.

Then, focus on instructional strategy and how to engage students in learning. Review Gagne’s Conditions of Learning and Keller’s ARCS mode which will be helpful when planning instructional strategies.

Also examine how to design or choose learning components according to learners’ maturity and ability levels.


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