Assessment Informaton/Brief updated Nov 20111Assessment Informaton/Brief 2021Module title Developing & Changing PractceCRN 41368 (September 2019 cohort)Level 5Assessment ttle Presentaton of a Proposed Change in PractceWeightng within module This assessment is worth 100% of the overall module mark.Submission deadline date andtmeSubmission date: 2nd July 2021Presentation Dates: 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th July 2021You will be allocated your date and tme at thecommencement of the module.Module Leader/Assessment set byKaren Morgan – Module LeaderTel: 07773 532674Email: 3.19, Floor 3, Mary Seacole BuildingHow to submitSlides, including reference list to be uploaded into the submission area in the moduleBlackboard site, no later than Friday 2nd July at 9am.The uploaded presentaton will then be presented by the student on either 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, or 9thJuly 2021. Non-submission on Friday 2nd July at 9am, will result in the student being unable topresent on their allocated day.Students with a Reasonable Adjustment Plan in place, please note – Late Submission is notapplicable for this assessment.Assessment task details and instructonsYou should prepare a 20-minute presentaton, ready to present on the allocated date and tme.Your presentaton will be aimed at a group of senior managers suggestng how an area ofpractce could be developed and demonstratng your change idea.Your presentaton must represent a new development/change and not be something you havealready partcipated in.Assessment Informaton/Brief updated Nov 20112To meet the assessment criteria, you will need to address the following in your presentaton:• Identfy an area of practce relevant to the nursing associate which could be developed orchanged. For example: altering visitng tmes, ideas to improve communicaton withrelatves.• Design a presentaton explaining how practce could be developed in this area.• Your presentaton should make clear why this change/development has been proposed• Use at least three pieces of evidence which underpins the proposed change/development.These should be identfed within the presentaton.• The presentaton should include critcal analysis of the identfed evidence you havechosen• The presentaton should include a clear plan for how the proposed change/developmentcould be completed.• You should include recognised quality improvement or change models in yourpresentaton• The presentaton should include a critcal discussion about potental opportunites andbarriers to your proposal.You will be expected to use a range of robust, academic literature to support your discussion andthese will be included within a reference list at the end of your presentaton.Referencing must follow the University’s Referencing Guide: APA 6th (Harvard) Style.IMPORTANT NOTE – The proposed change is not a research project; it is a PROPOSAL ONLY forthe purpose of academic assessment. Therefore, ethical approval is not required. However, theproposed change should stll reflect ethical and professional standards for practce.The presentaton will be marked using the presentaton level 5 grade descriptors as follows:• Knowledge and understanding, applicaton of theory to subject area demonstrated in thepresentaton• Presentaton / key skills and ability to critcally analyse and appraise demonstratedthroughout the presentaton• Structure, logical progression of ideas and assessment criteria met throughout thepresentaton• Use of current relevant evidence around the subject area demonstrated in thepresentaton• Referencing accuracy in text/ lists/ synopsis using UoS referencing guide demonstrated inthe presentatonFor the presentaton each student will be allocated a date and tme. The assessment will takeplace online using collaborate ultra on blackboard.Assessment Informaton/Brief updated Nov 20113The University of Salford Examinaton Rules state: ‘It is the candidates’ responsibility to ensurethat they know the correct date, tme and locaton of all their examinatons’ (p.1). Furtherinformaton on Examinaton Rules can be found here:htp:// student needs to familiarise themselves with these examinaton rulesBy sitng the assessment, the student is declaring they are ft to take the exam. The student willnot be able to submit personal mitgatng circumstances later. If the student feels unwell at anypoint during the assessment, they are to alert the examiner.Students are required to atend their presentaton on tme. Students will be made aware of thecollaborate ultra room link at least a week before the assessment.The university rules stpulate that students will not be allowed to enter examinaton rooms aferthe examinaton has been in progress for 40 minutes BUT because the assessment is less than 30minutes in total students will be allowed to enter within the frst 30 minutes of the tmeslot butwill only be given any remaining tme lef.It is important that your assessor can hear and see you throughout your assessment.Therefore, you will need a good Wi-Fi connecton, working camera and microphone. You willhave the opportunity to test this before the assessment.However, if you do experience WI-FI or connecton issues at the start of your assessment theassessor will take the following acton:1. Allow you the maximum amount of tme within your assessment appointment to problemsolve the issue. (E.g. trying different device)2. If there is not enough tme to complete your assessment, or if you cannot solve theproblem- the assessor will provide you a new assessment appointment the following workingday.If you experience WI-FI issues during your assessment the assessor will take the followingacton:1. Pause the tmer and allow you the maximum amount of tme in the assessmentappointment to solve the issues and restart the assessment from the point at which the issuearose.2. If there is not enough tme to complete the remainder of the assessment or if you cannotsolve the problem you will be given a new assessment appointment on the following workingday.If you have completed less than 50% of your assessment you will restart your assessmentfrom the beginning If you have completed more than 50% of your assessment, you will begiven the remainder of your allocated tme to fnish your assessment the next working day.Assessment Informaton/Brief updated Nov 20114If you are completng your assessment the following working day, we will discuss optons withyou to avoid any computer issues , but if the same issues are experienced , you will berequested to complete your assessment at the next submission period.It is expected that students who have a support plan and require additonal tme during theirpresentaton to inform the Module Lead at the beginning of the module.Further informaton on Academic Regulatons can be accessed here:htp:// for assessment preparaton• Read the assessment brief to ensure you are familiar with the requirement of theassessment• Atend the formatve assessment and drop-in sessions that are on the tmetable• Access the learning materials on developing a presentaton• Start work on your presentaton early• Practce entering collaborate ultra rooms before the assessment and practce yourpresentaton in this space, so you become familiar with the process before theassessment• Ensure that your laptop / computer/device has a camera functon as the examiner willneed to see you, that your microphone works, and you have access to internet/wif.• Practce saying your presentaton out loud. It really helps you become more familiar withthe content and delivery and in turn helps reduce nerves and promotes confdence onthe day• Time yourself when you practce, try not to talk too quickly. Do not rush yourpresentaton on the day, know in advance how long it will take you.• Seek support form Skills for learning htps:// and htps:// or the Module Lead / module team.On the day- expectatonsYou will deliver your presentaton using collaborate ultra. You will enter the online assessmentroom at the allocated tme.In the collaborate ultra room you will to see the examiner; you may also see the internal and orexternal moderator. The moderator is not there to assess you, their role is to ensure that themarking is undertaken at the appropriate academic level in a fair and consistent manner.In additon, you may also see a representatve from our employer partners or a service user andcarer representatve. They are there to observe and will not be involved in the marking, but theymay ask a queston at the end.Assessment Informaton/Brief updated Nov 20115The presentaton you will use will be the one that you previously uploaded to Blackboard. As thepresentaton will be a PDF dynamic text and links will not work. You will be allowed to use notespages or prompt cards when presentng. Your examiner will give you verbal instructons regardingstartng your presentaton. At the end of the presentaton there will be tme for 2 questons andanswers. Afer this your examiner will ask you to leave the room as your assessment is over.The assessment will be recorded for internal and external moderaton purposes.Assessed intended learning outcomesOn successful completon of this assessment, the student will be able to:Knowledge and Understanding1. Apply critcal analytcal skills in a research/audit/service improvement context working withinan ethical framework2. Contribute effectvely to audit procedures, research, development and innovaton in thedelivery of evidence-based practce3. Contribute to planning, management and optmisaton of resources to improve services andpromote equity in access to services having investgated their own working practces andidentfy areas for change/developmentTransferable/Key Skills and other Atributes1. Manage self-directed learning2. Develop IT literacy skills3. Manage tme and competng deadlines4. Develop presentaton skillsWord count/ duraton (if applicable)The presentaton should be 20 minutes in duraton, with up to 5 minutes tme for two questonsat the end to clarify any points. The two questons will be asked by the examiner and the employerpartner or service user and carer. 30 minutes are allocated per student allowing for the studentto set slides up and clarify any technical questons.Student who have a RAP will have the presentaton altered as per their plan if it relates topresentatons.Feedback arrangementsFeedback and results will be available via Blackboard on Friday 23rd July 2021Formatve feedback will be provided in the formatve support sessions and group drop-insession as tmetabled.Assessment Informaton/Brief updated Nov 20116Support arrangementsStudents can obtain support for this assessment by contactng the module team or moduleleader and atending the formatve tmetable session. There is also a group drop-in supportsession and examples of previous presentatons on Blackboard which can be accessed.askUSThe University offers a range of support services for students through askUS.Good Academic Conduct and Academic MisconductStudents are expected to learn and demonstrate skills associated with good academic conduct(academic integrity). Good academic conduct includes the use of clear and correct referencingof source materials. Here is a link to where you can fnd out more about the skills whichstudents require htp:// Misconduct is an acton which may give you an unfair advantage in your academicwork. This includes plagiarism, asking someone else to write your assessment for you ortaking notes into an exam. The University takes all forms of academic misconduct seriously.You can fnd out how to avoid academic misconduct here htps:// InformatonIf you have any questons about assessment rules, you can fnd out more here.Personal Mitgatng CircumstancesIf personal mitgatng circumstances may have affected your ability to complete this assessment,you can fnd more informaton about personal mitgatng circumstances procedure here.Personal Tutor/Student Progression AdministratorIf you have any concerns about your studies, contact your Clinical Educator or your StudentProgression Administrator. Neil Williams CriteriaPlease see the module blackboard site assessment informaton for marking criteria of theassessment.In Year Retrieval SchemeYour assessment is not eligible for in year retrieval. If you are eligible for this scheme you will becontacted shortly afer the feedback deadlineAssessment Informaton/Brief updated Nov 20117ReassessmentIf you are not successful in your assessment, and are eligible for reassessment, you will berequired to re-submit your presentaton on 25.08.2021, no later than 4pm via Blackboard. Thepresentaton re-submission will be on 26.08.2021.The re-assessment will be the same as for frst submission.Students are strongly advised to see the module leader for support and guidance in preparingfor the re-submission.
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