Did you enjoy the movie, and would you recommend it? Be sure to discuss whether the inaccuracies/accuracy contribute to your opinion of the film. What the heck does that mean?

Japanese Historical Film Essay

Watch “Kokurikozaka Kara” (From up on Poppy hillコクリコ坂から) the studio Ghibli film. Here’s a link if you need it: then write a paper with these parameters by the professor: Choose a movie (or tv show) set in within the scope of class (around 1500 through today, Japan) and watch it. It could be about a specific event in Japanese history, or just set in the past.

1) Briefly explain what your chosen film is about (if you are writing a paper, no more than a paragraph or two).

2) Pick 3 aspects the movie (or show) gets right, and pick 3 aspects it gets wrong (or that have problems).

Be sure to have reputable sources to back up your claims of right or wrong.

You might look at big things (accuracy in a major event depicted), or look at details (fashion or technology – is it period-accurate?)

3) Did you enjoy the movie, and would you recommend it? Be sure to discuss whether the inaccuracies/accuracy contribute to your opinion of the film. What the heck does that mean? Well, there are some movies that are really historically inaccurate, but they still sort-of tell about an important event or time period, and I still enjoy them — looking at you, Braveheart.

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