Directions  Peer Response Within business, working professionals should become c

Peer Response
Within business, working professionals should become comfortable receiving and giving constructive feedback. Critical analysis of topics, and providing and receiving constructive feedback, is important in one’s professional growth and development and a core competency for leaders. You will be expected to read the initial posting of at least ONE peer or instructor, and then provide constructive criticism to their peers’ initial postings. You should highlight strengths as well as opportunities for improvement:
Point out what you perceived to be the strengths of the initial posting along with supporting rationale.
Identify specific opportunities for improvement with regard to the content in the initial posting. Furthermore, you should provide supporting rationale for your stated position, as well as concrete suggestions and guidance intended to strengthen the effectiveness of the content.
Each response should be a minimum of 250 words

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Peer Response
Within business, working professionals should become c appeared first on Assignmentio.


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