Discuss The Future of Cybercrime Investigation.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion read pages 12-16 of the Cybercrime in the Year 2025 (Links to an external site.) online resource, as well as the Laws Need Updating to Combat Cyber Crime (http://www.mainjustice.com/2013/03/13/laws-need-updating-to-combat-cyber-crime-officials-testify/), officials testify and The Future of Cybercrime (https://www.information-age.com/future-cybercrime-123458380/) online articles, and view the Marc Goodman: A Vision of Crimes in the Future (https://www.ted.com/talks/marc_goodman_a_vision_of_crimes_in_the_future?language=en)Ted Talk.

Throughout the course we have examined the truth that cyber crime is the next great vanguard for both law enforcement and military protections in the United States. As with anything new in society, law enforcement, courts, and the nation itself require some time to fully understand the threats posed through new technologies and practices. Not only are state and federal legislatures often slow to respond to new crimes and societal changes, creating effective tools and strategies to effectively combat new crimes often takes years to implement.

Fully explore all of the following elements in your 400 word minimum initial post:

Predict an issue that will become problematic for law enforcement over the next 20 years that does not currently exist as a major problem in the area of cyber crime.
Create a unique and effective way to investigate the issue identified.
Evaluate the challenges (both legal and factual) to the investigation methodology, tool, practice and/or issue identified in your issue.
Predict the effectiveness of the new ways to investigate the issue identified.

Required Resources
Stephens, G. (2010). Cybercrime in the year 2025. In T. Finnie, T. Petee, and J. Jarvis (Eds.), Future Challenges of Cybercrime: Volume 5 Proceedings of the Futures Working Group (Links to an external site.) (pp. 11-16). Retrieved from http://www.foresightfordevelopment.org/sobipro/download-file/46-1162/54

In this article, criminal justice academics, police leaders, and military experts consider the continuing challenges of cyber crime. Students are asked to concentrate their attention on pages 12-16 of the pdf.
Goodman, M. (2012, June). Marc Goodman: A visions of crimes in the futures (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/marc_goodman_a_vision_of_crimes_in_the_future?language=en

This 19-minute video, presented by a career law enforcement officer, describes the hazards of technology for criminals in the 21st Century. This video has closed captioning and a transcript that can be accessed here: https://www.ted.com/talks/marc_goodman_a_vision_of_crimes_in_the_future/transcript?language=en (Links to an external site.)
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Web Pages
ODonnell, K. (2013, March 13). Laws need updating to combat cyber crime, officials testify (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www.mainjustice.com/2013/03/13/laws-need-updating-to-combat-cyber-crime-officials-testify/

This web page explains the need for laws to be updated to remain relevant in the present and future of cyber crime investigation and prosecution. Links contained within the web paage provide students with additional, primary sources for further investigation into the topics presented.
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Rossi, B. (2014, August 19). The future of cybercrime (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www.information-age.com/technology/security/123458380/future-cybercrime

This article discusses the difficulty of predicting future crime issues, but indicates that smart phones will be the new vanguard of cyber crime moving forward.
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Recommended Resources
U.S. Department of Justice. (n.d.). Prosecuting computer crimes (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/criminal-ccips/legacy/2015/01/14/ccmanual.pdf

This government manual provides a sound understanding of the difficulties of creating new legislation to combat cyber crime. The difficulties of finding an appropriate balance between the governments interest in computer crime as well as the interests and abilities of the States to proscribe and punish such offenses are explored.
MSCJ Resources (Links to an external site.) (http://ashford-mscj.weebly.com/)

This resource site will provide assistance in researching additional sources for the assessments within this course.
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  • Discuss many cases the effects of their involvement have been both drastic and destructive.
  • Discuss the research paper involves writing about an artwork or building that you see in person.
  • Discuss possible policy options to respond to the problem including a description of what others are doing in response to the problem.
  • What are some common risk factors that can affect driving?
  • Describe the authors perspective, philosophy, or purposes and explain how it is reflected in their work.
  • Discuss The Future of Cybercrime Investigation.
  • Discuss the International Law rules are based on consent.
  • Describe personal and historical observations of the phenomenon studied, state a problem or ask a question about those observations, form a hypothesis to be tested.
  • Describe how each of the five views addresses the five issues that distinguish the viewpoints.
  • Discuss the major impact that COVID-19 has had on NCAA compliance.


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