Discuss the interplay of 4 separate components of culture that can construct peoples worldviews.

Discuss the interplay of 4 separate components of culture that can construct peoples worldviews. Be sure to illustrate how each facet you choose to talk about impacts peoples beliefs and actions in all aspects. The focus of your essay is showing how culture is integrated and each area is connected to the other and why. You will be expected to tie all the constructs together in a holistic and integrative manner.

300 word minimum; Make sure to bold, highlight, underline, paragraph break, or bullet point the 4 areas you will be discussing.
1. Economies
2. language/communication
3. gender roles
4. education


  • Identify a proposed public health or health care legislation aimed at addressing a current organizational or community challenge.
  • Discuss the interplay of 4 separate components of culture that can construct peoples worldviews.
  • Why would justice and consistency be important considerations for the Legalization of marijuana?
  • How would you describe the culture of that organization based on what you’ve read about in your readings?
  • Write a Case Study on a Woman Diagnosed with Bulimia & Anxiety.
  • What are your motivations for pursuing an eduction online?
  • Write a research paper about the Congress.
  • Briefly describe an organization that you are/have been involved in.
  • What are the marketing strategies used by your company in the management of the global customer brand?
  • What do they need to think about in the future with respect to communication strategies.


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