Disruptive Innovation vs. High Velocity Organizations



Create a slide deck that serves as your “pitch” for an innovation. This innovation cannot be the same one you proposed in a previous assignment in this course unless you speak with me and get prior approval.
Your pitch should be a maximum of 15 slides excluding the title slide and references.

o Title slide
o Problem/opportunity statement (1 slide)
o Goals (1-2 slides)
o Outcomes measurement (1-2 slides) related to the goal, and your “measures of success”
o General description of the innovation 2 slides
o Barriers to success and your proposed solution to those
o Perceived success from the perspective of key stakeholders (1-2 slides)
o Projected financial impact (1-2 slides)
o Include a specific measurement process and timeline for measuring progress (1-2 slides)
o References

The post Disruptive Innovation vs. High Velocity Organizations first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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