Don’t forget the genogram Subjective Data:  The Chief Complaint is clear, concise, and verbatim from pt. History of Present Illness is thorough yet concise and provides a chronological account of symptoms and contextual factors that are sufficiently descriptive (OLDCARTS) to validate Dx per DSM-5 TR criteria. All pe

Don’t forget the genogram
Subjective Data: 
The Chief Complaint is clear, concise, and verbatim from pt. History of Present Illness is thorough yet concise and provides a chronological account of symptoms and contextual factors that are sufficiently descriptive (OLDCARTS) to validate Dx per DSM-5 TR criteria. All pertinent negatives are included. A longitudinal course of illness is clear. Current psychiatric medications and responses are included. 
Objective Data: 
MSE contains the required elements. It is in narrative form and effectively and vividly describes the patient’s presentation. Concrete examples of all assessment results are included i.e. “able to correctly interpret 2/3 simple proverbs” to validate documentation of “abstract thought intact.”
The differential is pertinent to signs and symptoms, the formulation contains evidence of critical thought and subject knowledge, and reasonable diagnoses are made per DSM-5. Clearly met criteria for diagnoses tendered are explicit in the HPI (History of Present Illness) description and substantiated with the MSE.  
An evidence-based treatment plan is presented with detailed rationales. The level of detail reflects the student’s ability to choose treatments based not only on FDA approval or current evidence but also on the nuances and unique characteristics of each. The treatment plan is holistic and comprehensive. There is compelling evidence of the student’s synthesis of information and critical thought. Includes neurobiology information on the disorder.
Writing, Support, APA: 
The format is consistent with the example provided in the course. Clear, recent (5-7 years), scholarly, peer-reviewed support of topics. Minimal grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Writing mechanics include minimal awkward or unclear passages but are consistent with formal scholarly work. Minimal errors in APA style manuals listed on the course syllabi.

SOAP Note Rubric 5900 Practicum Series Updated 3.23
SOAP Note Rubric 5900 Practicum Series Updated 3.23
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChief Complaint or appropriate health screening visit: 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized statement of the reason for health care visit. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
Well-organized and accurately states the reason for the healthcare visit. 3 pts
Needs Improvement to Meet Expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete statement of the reason for the healthcare visit. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
Chief complaint not identified; poorly organized introduction.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHistory of Present Illness 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized summary of pertinent information related to the reason for the healthcare visit. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
Well-organized and accurate summary of pertinent information related to the reason for the healthcare visit. 3 pts
Needs Improvement to Meet Expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete summary of pertinent information related to the reason for the healthcare visit. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
Poorly organized, incomplete, and/or inaccurate summary of pertinent information related to the reason for the healthcare visit.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMedications 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized summary of current medications; drug, dose, frequency, route, time of last dose included for each drug. Includes patient-stated reason for taking the drug. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
Well organized and accurate summary of current medications; dose, frequency for each drug included. 3 pts
Needs Improvement to meet expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete summary of current medications. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
Poorly organized, incomplete, and/or inaccurate summary of current medications 0 pts
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePast Medical History
Past Mental Health History 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized summary of past medical history; includes significant illnesses, surgeries, and diagnostic studies. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
Well-organized, accurate summary of past medical history. No omissions were noted. 3 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete summary of past medical history. One omission was noted. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
Poorly organized, incomplete, and/or inaccurate summary of past medical history. More than one omission was noted.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFamily History
Family Mental Health History 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized summary of family history. Genogram included. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
Well-organized, accurate summary of family history. No omissions were noted. 3 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete summary of family history. One omission noted. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
Poorly organized, incomplete, and/or inaccurate summary of family history. More than one omission noted.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal and Social History
Include ETOH, Smoking, Substance Abuse 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized summary of personal and social history. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
Well-organized, accurate summary of personal and social history. No omissions were noted. 3 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete summary of personal and social history. One omission was noted. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
Poorly organized, incomplete, and/or inaccurate summary of personal and social history. More than one omission was noted.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReview of Systems including:
• • General
• Eyes
• Eyes/Nose/
• Endocrine
• Cardiovascular
• Respiratory
• Gastrointestinal
• Genitourinary
• Hematology/
• Integumentary
• Neck
• Neurological
• Musculoskeletal
• Psychological 10 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized summary of review of systems. 8 pts
Meets Expectations
Well organized and accurate summary of review of systems. No omissions noted. 6 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete summary of review of systems OR nonsubjective information mixed in OR one omission noted. 5 pts
Does not meet expectations
Poorly organized, incomplete, and/or inaccurate summary of review of systems OR more than one omission noted.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVital signs:
Vital signs:
• BP
• Temp
• Pulse
• RR
• Height
• Weight
• Include normal, overweight, obese, etc. 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
All vital signs, measurements included. BMI is identified and categorized. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
All vital signs, measurements included. BMI is identified but not categorized. 3 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
At least one omission noted from vital signs and measurements. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
More than one omission noted from vital signs and measurements.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePhysical Examination including:
• General
• Eyes
• Ears/Nose/Throat
• Endocrine
• Cardiovascular
• Respiratory
• Gastrointestinal
• Genitourinary
• Hematology/
• Integumentary
• Neck
• Neurological
• Musculoskeletal
• Psychological
Mental Health Exam
• Appearance: How does the patient look? Neatly dressed with clear attention to detail? Well-groomed?
• Level of alertness: Is the patient conscious? If not, can they be aroused? Can they remain focused on your questions and conversation? What is their attention span?
• Speech: Is it normal in tone, volume and quantity?
• Behavior: Pleasant? Cooperative? Agitated? Appropriate for the particular situation?
• Awareness of environment, also referred to as orientation: Do they know where they are and what they are doing here? Do they know who you are? Can they tell you the day, date and year?
• Mood: How do they feel? You may ask this directly (e.g. “Are you happy, sad, depressed, angry?”). Is it appropriate for their current situation?
• Affect: How do they appear to you? This interpretation is based on your observation of their interactions during the interview. Do they make eye contact? Are they excitable? Does the tone of their voice change? Common assessments include: flat (unchanging throughout), excitable, and appropriate.
• Thought Process: This is a description of the way in which they think. Are their comments logical and presented in an organized fashion? If not, how off base are they? Do they tend to stray quickly to related topics? Are their thoughts appropriately linked or simply all over the map?
• Thought Content: A description of what the patient is thinking about. Are they paranoid? Delusional (i.e. hold beliefs that are untrue)? If so, about what? Phobic? 20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Complete, concise, and well-organized documentation of physical examination. 16 pts
Meets Expectations
Well organized and accurate documentation of physical examination. 15.5 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Poorly organized and/or incomplete documentation of physical examination OR nonobjective findings mixed in OR missing one system. 12 pts
Does not meet expectations
Poorly organized, incomplete, and/or inaccurate documentation of physical examination OR more than one system omitted (deduct 3 points per omitted system).
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDifferential Diagnosis
• Include ICD-10
• Include rationale for why these are the most likely diagnoses 10 to >9.0 pts
Exceeds Expectations
There is a complete and appropriate differential diagnosis list (>3) which is rationally prioritized. All ICD-10 codes are accurate. 9 to >8.0 pts
Meets Expectations
There is a differential diagnosis list of three diagnoses which is rationally prioritized. All ICD-10 codes are accurate. 8 to >7.0 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Differential diagnosis list with one omitted or inappropriate diagnosis OR rationale not provided for one diagnosis OR one ICD-10 code inaccurate. 7 to >0 pts
Does not meet expectations
Differential diagnosis list with more than one omitted or inappropriate diagnosis OR rationale not provided for more than one diagnosis OR more than one ICD-10 code inaccurate.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMost likely diagnoses, which includes:
Most likely diagnoses, which includes:
• Pathophysiology of the diagnosis
• Rationale for the diagnosis
• Indicated diagnostic testing to support the diagnosis
• Medications and nonpharmacologic treatments for the condition 10 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Most likely diagnosis is identified and supported by synthesis of subjective and objective data. There is an exemplary description of pathophysiology, indicated diagnostic testing, treatment, and teaching which is supported by references. 8 pts
Meets Expectations
Most likely diagnosis is identified and supported by synthesis of subjective and objective data. There is a good description of pathophysiology, indicated diagnostic testing, treatment, teaching which is supported by references. 7.5 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Most likely diagnosis is identified but not supported by a synthesis of subjective and objective data OR there is only a brief description of pathophysiology, indicated diagnostic testing, treatment, and teaching OR this information is not supported by references. 5 pts
Does not meet expectations
Most likely diagnosis is not identified OR there is a no description of pathophysiology, indicated diagnostic testing, treatment, teaching.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssessment and Plan
• Summary of assessment findings, including both subjective and objective
• Plan for diagnostics and treatment, including pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic 10 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Exemplary summary of assessment findings. Specific, appropriate, and justified recommendations (including drug name, dose, route, frequency, and duration of therapy) and non-drug therapy (if indicated) for each identified problem. Prioritization is appropriate. Rationales for recommendations included and appropriate. 8 pts
Meets Expectations
Good summary of assessment findings. Specific, appropriate, and justified recommendations (including drug name, dose, route, frequency, and duration of therapy) and non-drug therapy (if indicated) for each identified problem. Prioritization is appropriate. 7.5 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Brief summary of assessment findings. Prioritization is appropriate. One problem omitted OR information other than what was documented in subjective and objective was used to identify problems OR recommendations are omitted for one problem. 5 pts
Does not meet expectations
Incomplete summary of assessment findings OR priority problem not identified OR problems not prioritized OR omission of more than one problem OR identification of nonexistent problem OR recommendations are omitted for more than one problem.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences in APA format 5 pts
Exceeds Expectations
Multiple (>2) current references including professional journals and noncommercial (e.g., gov, edu, org) website AND no errors in APA citations or references. 4 pts
Meets Expectations
At least two current references including professional journals and noncommercial (e.g., gov, edu, org) website OR 1-2 minor errors in APA citations or references. 3 pts
Needs improvement to meet expectations
Only one current reference including professional journals and noncommercial (e.g., gov, edu, org) website OR multiple errors in APA citations and references. 2 pts
Does not meet expectations
No current professional references. Based solely on personal opinion or lay literature.
5 pts
Total Points: 100


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