E-Commerce E-Business Applications

Assessment Brief: BIS3002 E-Commerce E-Business Applications Trimester 1, 2022
Assessment Overview

Assessment Task
ULOs Assessed

Assessment 4: E-commerce Site
In groups of two, students will develop an e-commerce business plan for a client based on a given case study, and subsequently design a limited prototype using the WordPress platform.
4000 Words
(equiv. 2000 words per
Prototype 10
Week 12

equiv. – equivalent word count based on the Assessment Load Equivalence Guide. It means this assessment is equivalent to the normally expected time requirement for a written submission containing the specified number of words.
Assessment 4: E-commerce Site

Due date:
Week 12


Word count/Time provided:
Report 4000 Words (equiv. 2000 words per student) + WordPress ECommerce Prototype containing 10 Pages


Unit Learning Outcomes:
ULO 1, ULO 2, ULO 3, ULO 4

Assessment 4 Detail In groups of two, based on a given case study, you will develop an e-commerce business plan for a client. Your group will subsequently design a limited prototype website according to this plan.
The case study to be used for the e-commerce website is “C2 Hal’s Woodworking” which can be found in the textbook Electronic Commerce by Gary P. Schneider on page p76.

Based on the combined expertise you have gained from your Assignment 1 Evaluations; in this assignment you will produce an e-commerce design plan and a small 10-page ecommerce prototype running on the WordPress platform. Your goal is to create an online store that will complement Hal’s Woodworking business model.
Part A: Your group should produce an e-commerce design plan that includes:

SWOT analysis of the business environment
Marketing strategy which describes the target customer, proposes a social media campaign and SEO
Discussion of key features the site will implement
Proposed site customer-centric design, including storyboards for each page and the content to be included on the site.

Part B: Your group will implement you proposed design on the WordPress platform (wordpress.com). You will create a free tier account which will permit you to create 10 site pages, select an appropriate template, and lay out the site.
Please note the platform requires minimum knowledge of HTML programming, all the tools on the backend are WYSIWYG. You may visit the support section for additional tips of how to use the WordPress platform: https://wordpress.com/support/
In addition, your team should keep a detailed log of each student’s contributions to the overall assignment. This can be in any format (suggested: Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheet). This is to be included as an appendix to your report.
Assessments 4 Marking Criteria and Rubric

The assessment will be marked out of 100 marks and will be weighted 35% of the total unit mark.

The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.

Assessment 4 Marking Criteria and Rubric

Marking Criteria
Not Satisfactory
(0-49% of the criterion mark)
(50-64% of the criterion mark)
(65-74% of the criterion mark)
Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion mark)
(85-100% of the criterion mark)

SWOT and Marketing
(20 marks)
SWOT analysis of the business environment.
Marketing strategy which describes the target customer, proposes a social media campaign and SEO.

SWOT is incomplete or irrelevant to the topic.
Marketing strategy elements are missing or lack basic explanations.

SWOT is completed but is mostly general with minimal links to the case study.
Marketing strategy elements are identified and there are some basic explanations.

SWOT is completed with some relevant details from the case study.
Marketing strategy elements are identified and well explained.

SWOT is detailed and researched with reference to the case study.
Marketing strategy elements are identified and defined with detailed proposals.
Information is well documented with some citations.

SWOT is detailed and well researched with close reference to the case study.
Marketing strategy elements
are identified clearly, defined in detail, and specific and effective proposals are provided.
Information is comprehensively and logically documented with several citations.

Design Plan and Key
(20 marks)
Discussion of key features the site will implement.
Proposed site customer-centric design, including storyboards for each
The design description is not adequately explained so that it can be understood by a client.
Minimal storyboards included. Inconsistent design with no consideration of elements such as navigation.
The design description is adequately explained so that it can be understood.
Several storyboard details are missing. More consideration needs to be given to elements such as navigation. Some inconsistency between pages.
The design description is clear and effective.
Some storyboard details missing. Good layouts for pages with navigation and media elements included but with some minor
The design description is very clear, specific and effective.
All storyboards for each page provided but some minor details missing. Wellbalanced, visually pleasing layout with good consideration of navigation and media elements.
The design description effectively and accurately explains all of the system so that it can be completely understood.
Storyboards provide descriptions of media, user and interaction, including their use/purpose/objective. Elements are grouped in logical positions. Navigation is very clear and logical.

page and the content to be included on the site.

Site template design and page layouts
(20 marks)
WordPress site template customised for case study design as per part A, containing a unique design.
Pages created containing information as per the storyboards, layout according to
E-Commerce conventions.
Minimal theme
implementation. Critical or major elements are not relevant or missing. Poor layout and navigational design.
Major layout inconsistencies found between screens. No consideration for Ecommerce conventions or case study requirement
Basic theme
(downloadable) with little customisation.
Some missing details but overall adequate coverage of major functions.
Basic layout with some inconsistencies.
Colour scheme, fonts and navigation have been considered but could be improved to better suit the topic.
Theme has been customised to suit the case study.
Some minor missing details but overall good coverage of major functions.
Good layout with some minor inconsistencies.
Colour scheme, fonts and navigation have been well thought out and suit the topic.
Consolidated, consistent theme with major customisation to suit the case study well.
Most of the required functions and elements included.
Very good layout and design considerations such as logos have also been included.
Colour scheme, fonts and navigation have been very well thought out to suit the case study and E-commerce conventions.
Unique and attractive theme closely aligned to case study.
All required functions and elements are represented.
Excellent layout and unique additions such as a customised logo.
Consistent between screens, well integrated, logical intuitive placement of elements according to Ecommerce conventions.

Page contents and media
(20 marks)
Examples of appropriate media included such as
Few or no media elements include to enhance the theme.
Inadequate number of pages included to demonstrate the site.
Some basic media elements that enhance the theme and add to the user experience.
Adequate number of pages to demonstrate the main features of the site.
Basic content on each page that is somewhat relevant to
A few good media elements that enhance the theme and add to the user experience.
A good number of pages included that demonstrate most of the features of the site.
Several good media elements that enhance the theme and add to the user experience.
10 pages included that demonstrate most of the features of the site.
Several excellent media elements that enhance the theme and add to the user experience.
10 pages included that demonstrate all of the features of the site.

photographs or videos.
A number of product pages containing example products and descriptions.
Additional support or descriptive pages
such as “about us”
Content is poorly written and/or not relevant to the case study.
the case study. Content lacks detail and may contain a small number of errors.
Well written but simple content on each page that is mostly relevant to the case study. Minor writing errors.
Well written and quite detailed content on each page that is very relevant to the case study. Few writing errors.
Professionally written and detailed content on each page that is highly relevant to the case study. Error-free writing.

Project Log
(10 marks)
A spreadsheet or journal is regularly updated with each student’s contribution to the assignment.
Minimal detail – not possible to understand each student’s contributions to the assignment.
Adequate explanation of each student’s contribution but lacking details and dates completed.
Each student’s contribution can be understood to some extent.
Good explanation of each student’s contribution with some detail provided including some dates of completed elements.
Each student’s contribution can be understood.
Detailed explanation of each student’s contribution including dates completed and suggestions for improvement.
Clearly shows each student’s contribution.
Very detailed and descriptive log of all student work, descriptions of work conducted, and dates completed. Improvements and revisions are also noted.
Very clearly shows each student’s contribution.

Academic skills
(10 marks)
Quality of writing and referencing.
Poor ability in report writing, with several gaps in the quality of written expression and presentation. Several major referencing errors or absent referencing.
Some major gaps evident in the quality of written expression and presentation. Significant further work needed in report writing technique, improvement needed in the formatting of references and citations.
Some gaps evident in the quality of written expression and presentation. Further work needed in report writing technique, including some minor formatting of references and citations.
Quality of written expression and presentation mostly conforms to academic standards relating to clarity of expression, syntax, grammar, and punctuation. No significant gaps in referencing technique using the Harvard referencing system.
Quality of written expression and presentation is excellent and conforms fully to academic standards relating to clarity of expression, syntax, grammar, and punctuation. No gaps in referencing technique using the Harvard referencing system.


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