EEET 3028 Digital Communications-digital media channels

EEET 3028 Digital Communications



Kidsafe is a not-for-profit charitable organisation otherwise known as The Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia (CAPFA), whose vision is to prevent child deaths from unintentional injury and reduce the severity of unintentional injury to children aged 0-15 years. Their mission is to take a leadership role in child injury prevention through education, research, advocacy and strategic partnerships.

Kidsafe is represented in each State and Territory.


Did you know that more Australian children aged 1 – 14 years die as a result of injury than from cancer, asthma and infectious diseases combined? In 2008-2010, 37% of all deaths in this age group were due to injury (A total of 662 children aged 0-14 years died as a result of injury from 2008 to 2010).

The Opportunity:

Consider how you can use what you learn through this unit to maximise Kidsafe NSW’s ability to engage and interact with their target audience.
Timing Plan for your campaign to commence at the beginning of 2022.

If you choose not to start in January 2022 because of an event or strategic item/ time please justify this in your assessment.


• Strengthen brand awareness of the Kidsafe NSW organisation
• To increase followers on Kidsafe NSW’s Facebook, Instagram and Linked In accounts
• To increase hits on their website
• To increase hits on their YouTube channel
• To increase engagement, connection and the narrative across their digital media channels


• Familiarise yourself with Kidsafe NSW.
• Evaluate the current status in the digital and social media world, including a constructive critique of its website and its social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn).
• Research the extent to which the internet is being used promote events. What types of social media tools that are proving most useful, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Hootsuite, and LinkedIn. Understand your key target audiences and what motivates these groups to be involved.
• Report the ways the various tools are being used by similar events in Australia and overseas.
• Recommend which of these tools may be of the most use to Kidsafe NSW, and how they will be used in your strategy.

EEET 3028 Digital Communications

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