Effective Business Ethics Programs


Research Tip: Organizations often make their business ethics programs, codes of ethics, or codes of conduct public on their websites.  Be sure to include a link to your chosen organization’s business code of ethics in your post.

Consider the following:

  • Why might this organization need a code of ethics?
  • Which elements of effective business ethics systems, as described in your text, are utilized in your chosen organization’s program?
  • How does your chosen company’s code of ethics minimize risk? 
  • What does the organization’s code of ethics say about the organizational culture? 

Be sure to reference your textbook and at least one article or scholarly source to support your findings.  Include the link to your chosen organization’s business ethics program. 

Guided Response: 
Review several of your classmates’ postings.  Respond to at least two classmates by reviewing their chosen organization’s business ethics program and offering your thoughts regarding its level of effectiveness.  Be sure to support your position with evidence from the text or other external scholarly sources.

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