effectiveness in its narrative context: And therfor, whan he had fallyn and grevowsly was hurt, as is seyd beforn, the pepil seyd yyf he deyid it was worthy that sche schulde answeryn for hys deth. Than sche preyid to owr Lord that hir husband might leven a yer and sche to be deliveryd owtslawndyr yyf it wer hys plesaw

Comment on the style and content of the following passage and its effectiveness in its narrative context:
And therfor, whan he had fallyn and grevowsly was hurt, as is seyd beforn, the pepil seyd yyf he deyid it was worthy that sche schulde answeryn for hys deth. Than sche preyid to owr Lord that hir husband might leven a yer and sche to be deliveryd owtslawndyr yyf it wer hys plesawns. Owr Lord seyd to hir mende, ‘Dowtyr thu schalt have thi bone , for he schal leven and I have wrowt a gret myrakyl for the that he was not ded. And I bidde the take hym hom and kepe hym for my lofe.’ Sche seyd, ‘Nay, good Lord, for I schal than not tendyn to the as I do now.’ ‘Yys, dowtyr,’ seyd owr Lord, ‘thu schalt have as meche medefor to kepyn hym and helpyn hym in hys need at hom as yyf thu wer in chirche to makyn thi preyerys. And thu hast seyd many tymys that thu woldist fayn kepynme. I prey the now kepe hym for the lofe of me, for he hath sumtyme fulfillyd thi wil and my wil bothe, and he hath mad thi body fre to me that thu schuldist servyn me and levyn chast and clene, and therfor I wil that thu be fre to helpyn hym at hys need in my name.’ ‘A, Lord,’ seyd sche, ‘For thi mercy grawnt me grace to obeyn thi wil and fulfille thi wil and late nevyr my gostly enmys han no powyr to lettme fro fulfilling of thi wil.’


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