Essay Prompt: “In a world where disconnection seems to often prevail, we are loo

Essay Prompt: “In a world where disconnection seems to often prevail, we are looking for students who embody the qualities of bridge builders—students who can connect people, groups, and ideas to span divides, foster understanding, and promote collaboration within a dynamic, interconnected, and vibrant global academic community. We are eager to understand how your experiences have prepared you to build the bridges of the future. Please consider one or more of the following questions in your essay:
a) What personal experiences or challenges have shaped you as a bridge builder?
b) How have you been a bridge builder in your school, community, or personal life?
c) What specific actions have you taken to build bridges between diverse groups, ideas, or cultures?
d) How do you envision being a bridge builder during your time at our university and beyond?”
Essay Instructions – Please include the following elements in the essay: 1) Explain the term “bridge builder 2) How does the term “bridge builder” remind you of an experience you’ve had, a challenge you’ve overcome, 3) Use racism against minority in NYC as the topic/talking point in the essay 4) Essay must addresses questions a) What personal experiences or challenges have shaped you as a bridge builder? c) What specific actions have you taken to build bridges between diverse groups, ideas, or cultures? and d) How do you envision being a bridge builder during your time at our university and beyond?”

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