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Week 10 Tutorial Questions
Ethics of Consumption
Readings: Lecture-Week 8
Shaw et.al. 4th Edition (2021), Chapter 6: The Morality and Ethics of consumption.
Tutorial Questions
- Identify what the key objectives of the SDG Number 12 is about.
- Read the section in the textbook around “Who bears responsibility for safety?” Pg203 textbook,
compare and summarise the Market approach to safety with one of either Contract approach, due
care approach or social cost approach to safety. - https://www.accc.gov.au/
Summarise the role of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in connection to
product safety. Identify what legislation this Commission administering - Consider the morality of the Marlboro campaign that was discussed in Part 1 of the Week
lectures, and also outlined in the introduction to chapter 6 of the textbook. Your response should
comment on the following potential contradictions; the obligation we all have to prevent harm and
suffering and the value we all place on the freedom of expression freedom of choice.
Read the Case for Critical Analysis 6.1 pgs229/230 of textbook answer the following questions,
4 In your view has McDonald’s introduction of healthy options addressed community concerns
regarding obesity and health? - Does McDonalds’s market directly to children? Is there any areas of concern around their
marketing approach? - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-04-06/more-businesses-being-socially-responsible-to-attract-
Outline what you perceive as the key differences between being an ethical consumer or a consumer.
Identify what you identify some reasons which might make it difficult to be consistently an ethical
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