Assignment to make pareto chart and answer the questions
Overview: The use of statistical process control tools address organizational performance in many industries, including Healthcare Information
Management. A Pareto chart is a type of analysis tool that with ranking causes from most significant to least significant. For this activity, you will create a
Pareto chart using the data provided. As you complete this activity, consider whether these tools could identify and solve your organizational problem for
your final project. For on how to create a Pareto chart, see this tutorial from Microsoft Office.
Prompt: Utilizing the Chapter 04 Analysis Data Set document, which is linked in the Module Five activity assignment in your course, create a Pareto chart
depicting the top 10 states with the longest lengths of stay, and the average length of stay for the remaining 40 states. Your chart should contain 11 columns.
In a separate Word document, answer the following questions regarding your Pareto Chart:
Determine if there is any commonality among the states with long lengths of stay. Explain your conclusion.
Evaluate the use of statistical process control tools and how they could address organizational performance.
Identify how these tools could solve your organizational problem for your final projec
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