Jenny lives at home with her parents, two older brothers, and one younger brother. Jenny’s father reportedly has motor coordination and attention problems. Family history: Her father’s sister was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. Her oldest brother had been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome based on a multidisciplinary evaluation and has difficulties with balance, coordination, motor planning, attention, distractibility, and anxiety. By parent report, her other brother displays mild social difficulties, motor coordination problems, mild language delay, attention problems, and a high activity level.
In your initial post, respond to the following prompt, supporting your response with at least three sources (at least one source from your own research on this topic).
What are some key developmental milestone at this age?
Discuss important assessment of this child. What appropriate assessment methods/tools would you use and why? What are possible diagnoses for the patient?
Discuss evidence-based approach and intervention plan.
Cite your sources in APA format.
Add an additional source not listed on the list.
The post Evidence-based approach and intervention plan. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.