Evidence-Based-Practice Proposal Presentation

Benchmark – Evidence-Based-Practice Proposal Presentation – Rubric Total 150 points

1. Unsatisfactory
2. Less than Satisfactory
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Excellent

Presentation of Content
Presentation of Content

0 points
The content lacks a clear point of view
and logical sequence of information is
unclear. Little or no persuasive
information from reliable sources is

29.25 points
The content is vague in conveying a
point of view and does not create a
strong sense of purpose. Some
persuasive information from reliable
sources is included. Some persuasive
information is included but may be
unreliable or lack credibility.

33.75 points
The presentation slides are generally
competent, but ideas may show some
inconsistency in organization or in
their relationships to each other. Some
persuasive information is included.

38.25 points
The content is written with a logical
progression of ideas and supporting
information exhibiting a unity,
coherence, and cohesiveness.
Persuasive information is included
from reliable sources.

45 points
The content is written clearly and
concisely. Ideas universally progress
and relate to each other. The project
includes motivating questions and
advanced organizers. The project gives
the audience a clear sense of the main
idea. Persuasive, authoritative
information from reliable, credible
sources is included.


0 points
The layout is cluttered, confusing, and
does not use spacing, headings, and
subheadings to enhance the
readability. The text is extremely
difficult to read with long blocks of
text, small point size for fonts, and
inappropriate contrasting colors. Poor
use of headings, subheadings,
indentations, or bold formatting is

9.75 points
The layout shows some structure, but
appears cluttered and busy or
distracting with large gaps of white
space or a distracting background.
Overall readability is difficult due to
lengthy paragraphs, too many
different fonts, dark or busy
background, overuse of bold, or lack of
appropriate indentations of text.

11.25 points
The layout uses horizontal and vertical
white space appropriately. Sometimes
the fonts are easy to read, but in a few
places the use of fonts, italics, bold,
long paragraphs, color, or busy
background detracts and does not
enhance readability.

12.75 points
The layout background and text
complement each other and enable
the content to be easily read. The fonts
are easy to read and point size varies
appropriately for headings and text.

15 points
The layout is visually pleasing and
contributes to the overall message
with appropriate use of headings,
subheadings, and white space. Text is
appropriate in length for the target
audience and to the point. The
background and colors enhance the
readability of the text.

Documentation of Sources
Citations, footnotes, references,
bibliography, etc., as appropriate to
assignment and style.

0 points
Sources are not documented.

4.88 points
Documentation of sources is
inconsistent or incorrect, as
appropriate to assignment and style,
with numerous formatting errors.

5.63 points
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment and style,
although some formatting errors may
be present.

6.38 points
Sources are documented, as
appropriate to assignment and style,
and format is mostly correct.

7.5 points
Sources are completely and correctly
documented, as appropriate to
assignment and style, and format is
free of error.

Mechanics of Writing
Mechanics of Writing (includes
spelling, punctuation, grammar,
language use)

0 points
Slide errors are pervasive enough that
they impede communication of

4.88 points
Frequent and repetitive mechanical
errors distract the reader.

5.63 points
Some mechanical errors or typos are
present, but they are not overly
distracting to the reader.

6.38 points
Slides are largely free of mechanical
errors, although a few may be present.

7.5 points
Writer is clearly in control of standard,
written, academic English.

Participation in Ongoing Evidence
Based Research (B)
Participation in Ongoing Evidence
Based Research (C5.2)

0 points
An explanation for how participating in
ongoing evidence-based research
deepens knowledge and expands
skills, and suggestions for how the
author will continue to incorporate
new findings into practice, are not
presented. An understanding of the
importance of ongoing evidence-based
research is not demonstrated.

9.75 points
A partial outline for how participating
in ongoing evidence-based research
deepens knowledge and expands skills
is presented. Suggestions for how the
author will continue to incorporate
new findings into practice are
incomplete. An understanding of the
importance of ongoing evidence-based
research is only partially

11.25 points
A summary of how participating in
ongoing evidence-based research
deepens knowledge and expands skills
is presented. General suggestions for
how the author will continue to
incorporate new findings into practice
are outlined. A general understanding
of the importance of ongoing
evidence-based research is

12.75 points
An explanation of how participating in
ongoing evidence-based research
deepens knowledge and expands skills
is presented. Suggestions for how the
author will continue to incorporate
new findings into practice are
discussed. An understanding of the
importance of ongoing evidence-based
research is demonstrated.

15 points
A well-developed explanation of how
participating in ongoing evidence
based research deepens knowledge
and expands skills is presented.
Specific suggestions for how the
author will continue to incorporate
new findings into practice are detailed.
An understanding of the importance of
ongoing evidence-based research is
clearly demonstrated.

Major Sections
0 points
19.5 points
22.5 points
25.5 points
30 points


1. Unsatisfactory
2. Less than Satisfactory
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Excellent

Major Sections
One of the major sections is missing.
Overall, the content in the
presentation is inconsistent with the
final paper.

Each major section is presented but
some of the sections are incomplete,
or do not reflect the practice proposal
as presented in the final paper.

Each major section is presented. The
content is generally informative and
relevant to the topic. Overall, the
major sections are generally
supported and reflect the practice
proposal as presented in the final
paper. There are some discrepancies
or omissions.

Each major section is presented. The
content is informative and relevant to
the topic. The major sections are
supported and reflect the practice
proposal as presented in the final

Each major section is clearly
presented. The content is informative
and crucial to the topic. The major
sections are well supported and reflect
the practice proposal as presented in
the final paper.

Language Use and Audience
Includes sentence construction, word
choice, etc.

0 points
Inappropriate word choice and lack of
variety in language use are evident.
Writer appears to be unaware of
audience. Use of primer prose
indicates writer either does not apply
figures of speech or uses them

9.75 points
Some distracting inconsistencies in
language choice (register) or word
choice are present. The writer exhibits
some lack of control in using figures of
speech appropriately.

11.25 points
Language is appropriate to the
targeted audience for the most part.

12.75 points
The writer is clearly aware of audience,
uses a variety of appropriate
vocabulary for the targeted audience,
and uses figures of speech to
communicate clearly.

15 points
The writer uses a variety of sentence
constructions, figures of speech, and
word choice in distinctive and creative
ways that are appropriate to purpose,
discipline, and scope.

Major Sections Dissemination of
Evidence (B)
Major Sections Dissemination of
Evidence (C4.3)

0 points
The plan to disseminate evidence or
findings to relevant professional
organizations, conferences, journals,
or employers is omitted. The plan fails
to support professional development
or create opportunities to enhance
expertise in health care.

9.75 points
The plan to disseminate evidence or
findings to relevant professional
organizations, conferences, journals,
or employers is incomplete. It is
unclear how the plan supports
professional development in health

11.25 points
A general plan to disseminate evidence
or findings to relevant professional
organizations, conferences, journals,
or employers is outlined. One
professional publication or
conference, including why it is
preferred, is summarized. The plan
generally supports professional
development in health care.

12.75 points
A plan to disseminate evidence or
findings to relevant professional
organizations, conferences, journals,
or employers is discussed. One
professional publication or
conference, including why it is most
suited for presenting the findings of
the intervention, is discussed. Overall,
the plan supports professional
development and creates
opportunities to enhance expertise in
health care.

15 points
A clear plan to disseminate evidence
or findings to relevant professional
organizations, conferences, journals,
or employers is detailed. One
significant professional publication or
conference, including why it is most
suited for presenting the findings of
the intervention, is detailed. The plan
strongly supports professional
development and creates
opportunities to enhance expertise in
health care.



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