Exam Content This week you determine whether to continue working on the innovati

Exam Content
This week you determine whether to continue working on the innovation you previously selected or if you should focus your efforts elsewhere.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word evaluation of the product or process you selected.
Identify the obstacles your organization might face in attempting to adopt an innovative product or process.
Explain how to mitigate against the disadvantages and leverage the advantages you identify.
Identify people who will make good project champions, including how project champions help ensure that you’ll achieve the benefits of championing and minimize the risks.
Consider whether to use mostly sequential or parallel processes.
Address the influence using Stage-Gate processes would have on development cycle time and development costs.
Analyze the benefits and costs of involving customers and suppliers in the development process. Consider how to test viability of your product or process with your customers and suppliers in your analysis.
Conclude on whether you will continue with the development of the innovative product or process you selected based on the evaluation you performed.
Cite any references to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.


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