Explain how the principles and elements of design impact your solution?

Learning Objectives

Apply visual communication skills to focus on selected concepts related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals
Synthesize 2-D and 3-D design elements and principles to create a coherent and dynamic presentation
Analyze the contributions of historic and contemporary artifacts to the design presentation
Incorporate sustainable practices into the design concept
Design an interactive experience for visitors to the gallery exhibit

Design Scenario

Peter Betjemann, Executive Director of Arts and Education in CLA and Director of the Arts and Education Complex building is your client for this project. Director Betjemann is interested in student perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. He wants talented interior design students to submit work for a review of visual exhibits to be presented in the gallery at the new building in 2022.

https://holstarc.com/portfolio/osu-aec (Links to an external site.)

Arts Complex 1.jpg

Arts Complex 2.jpg

The focus on the design includes at least one or more elements/concepts/spheres focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The presentation you are developing is a proposal for a design that will be located in the gallery section of the new Arts and Education Complex: When planning the space, allow for a maximum of 5 feet – length x 5 feet – width x 8 feet – height to showcase your work.

The format for this project will be a plan for presentation created on a digital platform: Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop, PowerPoint, SketchUp, etc. converted to a PDF.

The presentation must include the following:

2 paragraphs describing an overview of the DEI elements/concepts/spheres with reasoning why they are important to you and our community.
5 artifacts of material culture that reflect the DEI elements/concepts/spheres
These artifacts can be extant(consider stating that you have permission to borrow an artifact from a museum) or created
Include 2 artifacts that show 3-dimensional qualities
Identify the materials, dimensions, form, and design principles and elements on each artifact
Draw 2-3 elevations and a floor plan of the layout with overall dimensions
Note finish materials for flooring and walls and any other relevant surfaces
Add an interactive component to engage the viewer in the exhibit
Show this with a drawing and a paragraph description
Questions to Consider during Design Concept Development:

How does sustainability impact your design solution?

How do social issues impact your design solution?

How do the principles and elements of design impact your solution?

How do the following resources inform your design solution?


14 Patterns of Biophilic Design article (filed under Week 11 files for Global Sphere Project)

How a Place Makes Us Feel article (filed under Week 11 files for Global Sphere Project)

TED talk Design at the intersection of technology and biology, Neri Oxman

https://www.ted.com/talks/neri_oxman_design_at_the_intersection_of_technology_and_biology?language=en (Links to an external site.)

A Global History of Architecture textbook online at the library



  • Does Temin’s article change your views on the Great Depression, the dominance of the U.S. post-WWII, and the 1970s?
  • Discuss the applicability of this statement with reference to your own professional context.
  • Discuss how firms select their competitive strategy and overseas expansion strategy.
  • Write about a recent argument or disagreement from your life.
  • Explain how the principles and elements of design impact your solution?
  • Write an essay of at least five pages or approximately treating the writers life and contribution to literature.
  • Explain how democratic leadership can guide interdisciplinary cooperation seeking to drive a PDSA model in reducing a facility’s medication error problems.
  • Write with an awareness of audience and the diversity in subject matter (cultural perspective and gender perspective, national or geographic background, time period, structure and theme).
  • Write essay based on attached outline that you did.
  • Does the source appear to be biased or objective?


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