Explain what is going on from a sociological perspective of paradigm explain why you chose this perspective/paradigm and how the media is demonstrating that.

Identify ANY time of media, from any forum, not exceeding 7 minutes. (Must attach link) may answer directly or create PP presentation.
1. Explain what is going on from a sociological perspective of paradigm explain why you chose this perspective/paradigm and how the media is demonstrating that.
2. Help make connections to the culture demonstrated (language, attitude, norms, culture jamming, etc)
3. Identify any social institutions (including social construction of realty)
4. Thinking in terms of social interaction, how much your media be interpreted by a viewer? List social status, positions, influence of the viewer. Feel free use theories of development, social interaction, and socialization.
5. Make sure media can demonstrate some sort of sociological theory or topic that was covered. Dont explain one that has already been explained, use another.


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  • Explain what is going on from a sociological perspective of paradigm explain why you chose this perspective/paradigm and how the media is demonstrating that.
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  • . Identify a cultural theme or value exemplified by the work or documented performance, and link this theme or value to the sociopolitical context in which this music was produced. Why is this theme or value of relevance to the production of this music?


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