Explain why the Christian faith is not explicitly linked to, or directly related in, the formation of American foreign policy, it is an interesting layer and/or lens that can be used to evaluate policy.

Explain why the Christian faith is not explicitly linked to, or directly related in, the formation of American foreign policy, it is an interesting layer and/or lens that can be used to evaluate policy. This essay will have students select four (4) or more critical events in American history that resulted in changes to foreign policy. Students will make the claim that these events have either driven America closer to, or further from, a Christian perspective; students will support this claim throughout the essay. After selecting the events, students will support WHY they selected the events and support their selection with facts from the course. Students will articulate American diplomacy and its effect on foreign relations; specifically examining IF each policy helped or hindered relations with foreign countries. Students are encouraged to, on the surface, examine if a trend has emerged (e.g. is America going away from, or toward, Christian values in the evolution of foreign policy?). This examination will specifically describe and apply principles of foreign policy learned throughout the term as well as geo-political models. The ultimate goal will be to determine if the evolution of American Foreign Policy has Evolved (or Devolved) from a Christian Faith-Based Perspective.

Students may select the same events, e.g. WWI, WWII, The Cold War, and the 9/11 Attacks and argue that these events and subsequent changes to American foreign policy were based on altruism and/or self-interest, yet both students may have differing views of how the policies led toward, or diverged, from a Christian worldview. The purpose of the essay is not to attempt to find a correct answer in determining the trajectory of the United States Foreign Policy as much as it is an exercise in stating and defending a position. Students should work to define Christian Values within this paper in order to provide a frame for their position and argument.


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  • Explain why the Christian faith is not explicitly linked to, or directly related in, the formation of American foreign policy, it is an interesting layer and/or lens that can be used to evaluate policy.


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