“False Memories,”





“False Memories,” of the following video presents an experiment of false memory that I invite you to try out. Log in S01613748
References Films on Demand. (2015). Dumb it up [Video file]. National Geographic (original copyright 2013). https://fod-infobase-com.ccco.idm.ocic.orq/p ViewVideo.aspx?xtid=68821
Instructions Which of the words did you remember seeing on the first set of train cars? Whether or not you were personally influenced by false memory during this experiment, the fact remains that the majority of people frequently experience the effects of memory distortions like this. Considering the prevalence of these difficulties, please respond to the following in your initial post;
• What memory improvement techniques have you found to be helpful in your everyday life? • What new strategies do you plan to try? As an eyewitness to a crime, how could you use information from this module to improve your memory for specific details?

The post “False Memories,” first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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