Family Systems Instructions: Create a family and be prepared to present your fam

Family Systems
Instructions: Create a family and be prepared to present your family theory via PowerPoint Presentation.
Step 1: Create a family
Describe the family members, structure of the family, ages, cultural background, education, and their relationships.
Describe the family issues such as domestic and family violence, aging, lack of parenting, marriage issues, blended families, child and family welfare, financial issues, etc.
Step 2: Respond to the questions below (review the family therapy theories you have learned in this class: Bowen Family Systems, structural, strategic, CBT, SFBT, etc.).
What is the appropriate family theory/approach to help the family? Explain why it is a good fit for the family.
Identify and explain interventions and techniques to be used according to the theory you chose for this family. Explain why it is a good fit for the family. Step 3: Create a slide for your references.
Family Systems Role Play (100 pts.): Students will create a family system, apply theory, and develop a plan of family therapy for this family system. This will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Students will create a family and choose an issue the family is experiencing. Students will select an appropriate family theory to help this family and explain why this was chosen. Students will then identify interventions and techniques chosen (as part of that theory) and explain why this is a good fit for the family. (See Sample Case Presentation PPT)


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