A. Write a reflection paper that summarizes your experience in this class – Introduction to Sociology.
B. Write the equivalent of a two-page, double-spaced essay (stay w/in page limit).
C. Answer each question below.
1. How does what you learned in this course apply to other aspects of your life (and/or other classes)?
2.After taking this class, what would you tell other students interested in taking sociology?
3. After taking this class, what changes would you make — in your approach to this class? (Think in terms of study habits, amount of time devoted to each assignment, comments to peers, assignments not completed, assignment quality, etc.).
*I would manage my time better to complete all the assignments on time.
4. Discuss feedback from your peers and professor: Was their feedback beneficial? Why or why not? Did you desire more or less feedback? Was the feedback constructive? Explain.
*The feedback was beneficial and constructive
5. What was your major challenge in taking this class? (Discuss one major challenge, only).
*Major challenge- many assignments in a short period of time because it was 8 week course instead of 16 weeks.
The course was based on material from the textbook SOC Jon Witt, find the link to the textbook below.