Find 4 broadcast ads on YouTube or another online source that you find to be ver

Find 4 broadcast ads on YouTube or another online source that you find to be very creative. In a 2-4 page essay, describe what you find to be creative about these ads. 100 Points.
Your essay should:
-Explain what you find creative, and why you think that approach works for the product/brand.
-How to the elements of the ad (casting, music, sound effects, writing, camera angles, lighting, etc.) contribute to the creativity?
-Who do you think that the target audience for each ad is? Would it be effective for other targets? Why or why not?
-Would you make any changes to the ad if you were the creative director?
-Provide a reference page at the end (doesn’t factor into page count) with links to the ads so that I can view them, too.
Be mindful of proper spelling, grammar, and writing style

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