? For more details see the plagiarism policy. These may be found in the student handbook. Link:https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/90205e_c15566e7b1634058a7d5c32ab41d080b.pdf Assignment Tasks Task 1: LO1 & LO 2 1.1 Paraphrase two (2) definitions of aging from credible sources 1.2 Describe any two theories of aging from credible sources 1.3 Identify the links between the definitions with the theories of aging 1.4 Paraphrase two (2) definitions of disability from credible sources 1.5 Describe any two theories of disability from credible sources 1.6 Identify the links between the definitions with the theories of disability Task 2: LO 3 2.1 Identify disabled population in New Zealand giving two (2) examples 2.2 Describe the stereotypes regarding people living with disabilities 2.3 Describe the changes in services, policies and funding within the disability care sector of New Zealand in the past 40 years.

? Perform all the tasks that are required on this assessment.
? Ensure your name, student ID and signature are on the cover sheet.
? Final assessment must be submitted on or before the due date. Late submissions will not be accepted without prior authorization from your tutor.
? The words in the written assessment, which you present, must be your own.
? Any content taken from another source must be acknowledged and referenced using APA format.
? The plagiarism rate of your completed assessment must be checked through the plagiarism checker on your Moodle account as provided.
? Any student caught cheating will receive zero marks. If copying is identified, all parties will receive zero marks.
? A minimum mark of 50% is required to achieve a pass in this assignment in each learning outcome and an overall mark of 50% is required for a pass in this module.
Student Declaration:
I have read and understood the conditions of the assignment and have had the opportunity to get any clarification that I need from my tutor.
Student Name: ……………………….….
Student I.D.: ..…………………..
Signature: ……………………………..…. Date: ………………………………..
Tasks Topic Learning Outcome/s Possible Marks Obtained Marks
Definitions and theories of Ageing and Disability 501.1 & 501.2 36
Historical response to disability in a local context including stereotypes towards disability, strategies & policies for disabled care 501.3 18
Specific groups of aged and/or disabled population, their rights and needs and models of assessment planning and coordination practice. 501.4 18
4 International policies and service deliveries in the context of ageing and disability 501.5 18
Grammar, Presentation and APA Referencing 10
Total 100
General Comments:
Assessment Outcomes
This assessment covers the following learning outcomes
Students will be able to discuss and compare a range of definitions and theories of aging.
Students will be able to discuss and compare a range of definitions and theories of disability.
Students will be able to identify the historical response to ageing and disability in a local context, explain terminologies, strategies & policies and identify stereotypes.
Students will be able to identify and examine impairments, conditions, rights
And needs of specific groups of aged and disabled people
Students will be able to discuss and compare international policies and service delivery of policies aging and disability with those in New Zealand.
Assessment Weighting:
? This assessment is worth 100% of your course marks for DHW 501 Aging and Disability in Healthcare.
Specific Instructions:
? Your assessment must cover all elements outlined under the learning outcome above.
? You must maintain a word limit of between 4000-5000 words. A penalty of 5 % deduction in marks for every 500 words above or below the limit may be applied if the word count exceeds the limit.
? The presentational standard of your finished assessment is also important.
? Your assessment must be typed and be representative of your own individual work.
? You are required to submit your assessment to your Moodle account.
? Formatting must: use Times New Roman font style; size 12 with 1.15 line spacing and 2.54 cm margins all around.
– Your assignment must be submitted using MS Word format, and not PDF format.
– All written components (including tables and figures with text) must be readable by Turnitin similarity software.
– Use APA 6th referencing style for your citations and reference list and ensure all sources of information are correctly referenced.
– Tables and Figures should be clear, legible and sufficiently sized to be readable. Try to format one table or figure per page, and avoid excessively long tables which break over two or more pages.
Assistance to/from other Students:
? Students themselves can be excellent resources to assist the learning of fellow students, but there are issues that arise in assessments relating to the type and amount of assistance given by students, to other students.
? It is important to distinguish between what types of assistance are beneficial to another’s learning and also what types of assistance are unacceptable in an assessment. Both are outlined below.
Beneficial Assistance
? Study Groups.
? Discussions.
? Sharing reading material.
Unacceptable Assistance
? Working together on one copy of the assessment and submitting it as their own work.
? Giving another student your work.
? Copying someone else’s work.
? Changing or correcting another student’s work.
? Copying from books, the Internet etc. and submitting it as their own work.
? For more details see the plagiarism policy. These may be found in the student handbook. Link:https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/90205e_c15566e7b1634058a7d5c32ab41d080b.pdf
Assignment Tasks
Task 1: LO1 & LO 2
1.1 Paraphrase two (2) definitions of aging from credible sources
1.2 Describe any two theories of aging from credible sources
1.3 Identify the links between the definitions with the theories of aging
1.4 Paraphrase two (2) definitions of disability from credible sources
1.5 Describe any two theories of disability from credible sources
1.6 Identify the links between the definitions with the theories of disability
Task 2: LO 3
2.1 Identify disabled population in New Zealand giving two (2) examples
2.2 Describe the stereotypes regarding people living with disabilities
2.3 Describe the changes in services, policies and funding within the disability care sector of New Zealand in the past 40 years.
Task 3: LO 4
Describe one (1) aging related condition and one (1) disability related condition. These may include but are not restricted to: Children with high complex needs, people living with autism spectrum disorder, people living with cognitive impairments, dementia or people with multiple impairments. You may use the following guidelines for your description:
1. Impairment along with Signs/Symptoms
2. Consequence of the impairment on the person
3. Consequence of the impairment on the whanau/family
4. Support that could limit any disability
5. Service provider/s available for the selected population.
6. Funding provisions for the selected population
Task 4: LO 5
4.1 Discuss two policies and/or services for aging and disability in New Zealand and one other country
4.2 Compare the similarities and differences between the policies and/or services within the two countries.
Marking Guide
Task 1: LO 1 & LO 2 Possible Mark Mark Awarded LO
1.1 Paraphrase two (2) definitions of aging from credible sources.
(4 marks for paraphrased definitions from credible sources) 36 501.1 &
1.2 Describe any two theories of aging from credible sources
(10 marks: 5 marks for description of each theory of aging from credible sources)
1.3 Identify the links between the definitions with the theories of aging
(4 marks for comparing the selected definitions and theories)
1.4 Paraphrase two (2) definitions of disability from credible sources
(4 marks for paraphrased definitions from credible sources)
1.5 Describe any two theories of disability from credible sources
(10 marks: 5 marks for description of each theory of disability from credible
1.6 Identify the links between the definitions with the theories of disability
(4 marks for comparing the selected definitions and theories)
Task 2: LO 3
2.1 Identify disabled population in New Zealand giving two (2) examples
(6 marks for identification and examples of disabled population in New Zealand) 18 501.3
2.2 Describe the stereotypes regarding people living with disabilities
(4 marks for describing stereotypes regarding people living with disabilities)
2.2 Describe the changes in services, policies and funding within the disability care sector of New Zealand in the past 40 years.
(8 marks for describing historical response in services, policies and funding within the disability care from credible resources)
Task 3: LO 4
3.1 Describe one (1) aging related condition and one (1) disability related condition.
(18 marks: 9 marks for description of each condition) 18 501.4
Task 4: LO 5
4.1 Discuss two policies and/or services for aging and disability in New Zealand and one other country
(12 marks: 5 marks each for 2 policies on aging and disability in New Zealand and one other country) 18 501.5
4.2 Compare the similarities and differences between the policies and/or services within the two countries.
(6 marks for similarities for differences for policies and/or services for aging and disability in New Zealand and one other country)
Grammar and Presentation of Task 1 to 3 (5 marks)
Correct citation and referencing (APA Format) (5 marks) 10


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