For this assignment, you will design a research plan on the topic that you prese

For this assignment, you will design a research plan on the topic that you presented in Unit V. You will not conduct the actual research; rather, you will simply provide a written plan as if you were going to prepare to conduct the research.
First, provide a design specification for your research project. The purpose of the design specification is to set out a detailed plan of the method(s) you have chosen to investigate your research problem.
Next, include the elements below in your research plan.
Explain the research topic and research questions.
Describe the appropriate hypotheses.
Describe the methods (e.g., nature, number of observations/data generation instances).
Provide operational definitions of variables/evidence.
Describe your subject selection and the sampling procedure/rationale for participant recruitment.
Provide stepwise data collection/generation procedures (number your steps).
List the instruments used.
Explain the method for addressing reliability (as applicable).
Indicate your method of analysis.
Detail any ethical considerations for your study.
Support your research plan by including three peer-reviewed academic sources that you located for your Annotated Bibliography in Unit V.
Your assignment must be a minimum of five pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. This assignment must follow proper APA format.


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