For this Assignment:
Review the media pieces for this Assignment and focus on the concepts and techniques demonstrated.
Your Faculty Member will place you in a group of three or four members within the designated group area of this course. Each of these groups will be labeled as Week 1 Group 1, Week 1 Group 2, etc. The group assignments are also shown below.
In these groups, each group member will evaluate each other’s Assignment. Grading criteria and points are suggested in the Assignment spreadsheet. put all of your comments in the Group’s discussion board.
Note: This Assignment will help you develop your skills and prepare you for this week’s quiz.
To complete the initial phase of this Assignment, use this file
Your personal input numbers are in the following file:
Fin_617_Assignment_1 Input Numbers.xlsx
Save your Assignment file, and change LName to your last name and FName to your first name.
The input numbers are different for each of you and are in the above file called Fin 617 Week 1 Assignment Input Numbers.xlsx. Enter those into the Assignment spreadsheet first. Sometimes the instructions are linked to those input numbers. In that case, the instructions will NOT make sense until you type in the numbers.
Follow the instructions and show your work in the area provided.
Post your Week 1 Assignment Two-stage model Excel Spreadsheet to your Group File Exchange area by Friday, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
To Post your solution to your peer group:
Click on the Work in Groups link from the left-hand menu of the course home page and click into your group. Then click the File Exchange link found under Group Tools.