For this milestone, due in Module Seven, you will analyze HR strategic initiatives of managing HR globally,diversity and inclusion, risk management, and social corporate responsibility that impact an organization’sstrategic goals.

Refer to the chapter readings and module resources to support your responses to each of the four critical
elements below. Carefully read and address each
critical element as written, using detailed and informative analysis that conveys critical thinking. The four
critical element are aligned to the workplace technical
competency within the HR knowledge domain.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
 Diversity and Inclusion: Explain generational differences within the workplace, and describe appropriate
strategies for managing a diverse workforce.
 Risk Management: Determine appropriate proactive HR activities and policies for mitigating risk, and explain
how these strategies can be used within
the organization.
 Corporate Social Responsibility: Describe HR’s role in creating a culture of social responsibility within the
organization and the organization’s
 HR in the Global Context: Determine appropriate strategies for properly preparing employees for an
expatriate assignment, and explain how these
approaches ensure ongoing engagement.


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