Questions for viva. You have to link the questions with PowerPoint presentation
Answer the following questions after you finish with the presentation PowerPoint.
You need to link them with the presentation.
For your best chance at good grades, try to prepare answers for each of these questions; you will be asked at least FOUR (highlighted question + three from the list) during your viva. You should refer to documents in your portfolio and include references to what you’ve read in your answers.
Choose two further skills from your skills log and show evidence of your academic and practice development
Give a detailed example of your best achievement this year
Give a detailed example to show what you understand about person-centred care
Give an example of how your values were challenged this year
Thinking back to a time when you’ve worked as part of a team, explain which skills you used and which were most effective
Show evidence of your academic development during this year? What do you do better now than when you started in September?
With reference to another module you’ve completed this year, give two different examples of where you’ve seen theory in practice.
Think about an individual (real-life or case study) you have worked with this year. Explain what you’ve learned from working with her/him which will enhance your skills in health or care