Formal writing assignment: you must prepare a ten page research paper on The Object Relations Theorist using the model of Structure (Theory), Motivation, Growth and Developmental process (if applicable), Psychopathology, and treatment to analyze the theory. students must prepare a ten page paper on one selected theory using the model of Structure, Motivation, G r o w t h a n d Developmental p r o c e s s (if applicable), Psychopathology, and treatment to analyze the theory. M o r e specifically , in this course we will make a thorough examination of the major theoretical views, both philosophical and

Formal writing assignment: you must prepare a ten page research paper on The Object Relations Theorist using the model of Structure (Theory), Motivation, Growth and Developmental process (if applicable), Psychopathology, and treatment to analyze the theory.

students must prepare a ten page paper on one selected theory using

the model of Structure, Motivation, G r o w t h a n d Developmental p r o c e s s (if applicable), Psychopathology, and treatment to analyze the theory. M o r e specifically , in this course we will make a thorough examination of the major theoretical views, both philosophical and empirical, attempting to identify the major patterns of influences that might shape the development of a person. We will identify and think through the major conceptual issues of each theorist. With each major theory you should be able to:
(I )Discuss the basic structures of personality;
(2) and the major motivational features;
(3)Describe the growth and development process proposed by each theory;
(4) Describe the major psychopathology that might result from interruptions in the growth and development process and
(5) Discuss any treatment or therapeutic procedure that is recommended by the theoretical approach.


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