Fundamentals of Cyber Security | My Assignment Tutor

Case Study Assignment (30%) 2905ICT/7905ICT Fundamentals of Cyber Security CriterionExcellentVery GoodGoodSatisfactoryUnsatisfactoryIntroduction and executivesummary1%Accurately and succinctlyoutlines all critical elements ofthe document.Accurately outlines manyimportant elements of thedocument.Outlines some but not all elementsof the document.Attempts to provide anoverview of the document.Little or no attempt to providekey information.Structure and organisation ofwriting2%Writing is coherently organisedand the logic/ideas/argumentsare easy to follow; writing isclear, concise and persuasive.Writing is generally wellorganised and mostlogic/ideas/arguments areeasy to follow; writing ismostly clear and generallyeasy to follow.Organisation is present; there maybe some inconsistencies withorganisation and structure oflogic/ideas/arguments, butgenerally easy to follow; writing ismostly clear, but parts may lackconciseness.There is some organisationpresent, but thelogic/ideas/arguments lackclarity and/or conciseness.There is little or no attempt atorganisation. Organisation isconfusing to the reader;rambles, lacks properparagraph construction;transitions, topic sentencesand/or support.Applying theory in context toform appropriate solutions forcyber security awarenessimprovement (12%)Applies theory to all aspects andall domains. Connection totheory is clear and precise.Applies theory to all aspectsand most of the domains.Connection to theory isexpressed.Applies theory to all aspects andsome of the domains.Attempts to apply theory tosome aspects and somedomains.Little or no application oftheory around aspects anddomains is evident.Critically analyse and prioritizerisks to form appropriaterecommendations/conclusions in riskmanagement and governance(12%)Detailed, thorough and rigorousexamination of risks throughquantitative analysis, to drawhighly relevantrecommendations/conclusions.Thorough examination of risksthrough quantitative analysis,to draw relevantrecommendations/conclusionsSome examination of risks throughquantitative analysis, to drawrecommendations/conclusions.Basic examination of risksthrough quantitative analysis,to draw somewhat vaguerecommendation/conclusions.Little or no examination of risksthrough quantitative analysis,no relevantrecommendation/conclusionsdrawn.Identifying issues/problems inprivacy compliance check(12%)Identifies and clearly andconcisely communicates all ofthe relevant current andpotential issues/problems inprivacy compliance with APPsIdentifies and clearlycommunicates most of therelevant current and potentialissues/problems in privacycompliance with APPs.Identifies and communicates someof therelevant current and potentialissues/problems in privacycompliance with APPs.Identifies and communicates afew of therelevant current and potentialissues/problems in privacycompliance with APPs.No identification of therelevant current and potentialissues/problems in privacycompliance with APPs.Presentation,Mechanics and Referencing2%Completely follows theguidelines; paper has virtuallyno grammar, spelling and/orformatting errors.Generally follows theguidelines; paper has minimalgrammar, spelling and/orformatting errors.Attempts to follow the guidelines;paper has some grammar, spellingand/or formatting errors.Minimal attempt to follow theguidelines; paper has manygrammar, spelling and/orformatting errors.Little or no adherence toguidelines; little or no evidenceof editing and revising.Conclusion/Reflection1%The document presents asuccinct and focused summaryof the key points presented;drawing clear, highly insightfuland well-supported conclusions;The document presents asuccinct and generally focusedsummary of the key pointspresented; drawing clear,insightful and well-supportedThe document presents a detailedsummary of the key pointspresented; providing supportedconclusions, demonstrates a plantowards the cyber securityThe document provideslimiteddetail with no clear summaryof the key points presented;drawing limited conclusions,There is little or no summary ofkey points presented; drawingvery limited or no conclusions,demonstrates a plan towardsthe cyber security Case Study Assignment (30%) 2905ICT/7905ICT Fundamentals of Cyber Security demonstrates a complete, andmindful plan towards the cybersecurity improvement goal witheffective reflection in variousaspects.conclusions, demonstrates acomplete plan towards thecyber security improvementgoal with good reflection invarious aspects.improvement goal with fairreflection in various aspects.demonstrates a plan towardsthe cyber securityimprovement goal withlimited reflection in someaspects.improvement goal with littlereflection.


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