GEOG 1125 Writing Assignment:
This assignment is to write a letter to one of your elected political representativeson a topic of environmental concern.This can be at whichever level of government you chose, but if at the local or statelevel, then select a politician from your home district; local (mayor, city orcounty council, etc.), state (governor, state senator or representative, etc.). If youchose the federal level of government, then chose a U.S. senator or Representativefrom your state or district, OR most anyone in the Executive Branch(president, vice-president, or cabinet).
Make sure you indicate which level you have chosen and specifically to whom theletter is going. Write the letter as if you were actually going to send it to the personintended (which you may do if you like). The letter may be similar to an opinionletter or letter to the editor, but include facts to support your statements. For example, if you are writing about a particular type of pollution, then support your claims with reported, documented facts such as the rate or level of pollution, known sources, effects, etc.
The letter must be a minimum of four (4) full typed pages, but not more thansix (6) pages in length. It must have a title page, a works cited or bibliographypage and at least one graph, chart, diagram, or picture. The graph, chart, or picture,etc., title page and bibliography page cannot be used as part of the four (4) pageminimum. You may have more than one graph, chart, etc. if you wish. The papershould be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font and I prefer you use double-sideprinting, if possible, to save paper.You must also cite references for your information and utilize at least three (3)different sources (you may use more). This should include at least one Internet site, one newspaper or non-academic magazine article, and one academic journal article or a government document. You may access the newspaper or non-academic magazine article, academic journal article or government document via
their web sites if you wish. Be sure to use proper citations for your outside sources.
You may use either MLA style, or Chicago Manual of Style, just be consistent.
Environmental Concepts to choose from ***(Only choose 1 concept to write about) ***
-Habitat Destruction
-Environmental degradation (destruction of a renewable resource that is used faster than it can be replenished)
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