George’s carer Jane is having a meeting with her supervisor and her supervisor has instructed Jane to advise George that he has to move to another residential facility because of his issues with his health and consent from his sister has been given. Jane is really concerned about George being moved to another facility and is worried how she is going tell George what is going to happen to him. George is not happy when Jane has told him that his sister has approved his removal to another facility and wants to talk to her about her making a decision for him without his consent. Situation 3 Henrietta


Unit Code/s & Name/s CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
Cluster Name
If applicable N/A
Assessment Type ? Case Study ? Assignment ? Project ? Other (specify)
Assessment Name Workplace or simulated activity Assessment Task No. 3 of 3
Assessment Due Date Date Submitted / /
Assessor Name
Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student Signature Date / /
PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: TAFE Queensland is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees of TAFE Queensland. Some of this information may be given to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or its successor and/or TAFE Queensland for audit and/or reporting purposes. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us written permission or we are required by law.
Instructions to Student General Instructions:
You are to complete three (3), either simulated or workplace observations relating to the legal and ethical guidelines of your workplace and industry.
Instructions for students in a Simulated Environment
• Select three (3) three case studies related to your area of study (page 2–3).
• Watch each of the recorded scenarios and read the provided matching documents.
• You should observe the scenario as if you had just walked in on the situation, so you are a third-party person observing the incident.
• Complete questions 1–5 for each situation in the spaces below
Instruction for students in the workplace
• Identify three (3) three legal or ethical situations that have occurred in your workplace
• Complete questions 1–5 for each situation in the spaces below
Range and Conditions of Assessment
• Students may choose to either complete this in a simulated environment in the workplace.
• If this is being completed as a simulated observation of three (3) different legal and / or ethical situations, the student is required to access the case study recordings via the links provided and the corresponding written case studies.
• If this is being completed as a workplace observation of three (3) different legal and / or ethical situations, the student will identify these during placement or during employed work hours in their relevant industry.
• Respond and complete each of the questions and activity provided.
Information / Materials provided:
Written case studies, video links to role-played case studies.
Please note: Videos may not load in Internet Explorer. Recommend using Chrome
Case study 1: Miss Annette Curtain (Community Aged)
Case study 2: Mrs Olive Green (Respite Aged)
Case study 3: Miss Sarah Adams (Disability)
Case study 4: Harry Hunter (Community Aged)
Case study 5: Michael Shaw (Residential Aged)
Case study 6: George Flint (Disability and Community Aged)
Case study 7: Henrietta Harris (Disability)
Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:
• Student is able to identify and document three (3) different legal and / or ethical situations in a simulated or workplace environment.
• Student has demonstrated knowledge of relevant legislation and organisational guidelines that would guide them in responding to the identified legal and /or ethical situations that they have identified.
• Student has outlined their scope of practice in relation to each situation that has been identified.
• Student has outlined the correct procedure for responding to each identified situation.
• Student has identified ways to improve each situation, if it is a non-compliance and continue to maintain ethical and legal responsiveness if the situation is deemed best practice.
• Student accurately completes documentation in accordance with job role and organisation policy and procedure
Number of Attempts:
You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant sections / questions with you and will arrange a due date for the submission of your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd submission is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to submit a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task.
For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
Reasonable Adjustment:
Reasonable Adjustment can be made to the assessment tasks to ensure equity in assessment. If you have identified that you have a particular need please ensure that you have discussed with your assessor the possibility of reasonable adjustment.
Submission details
Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission.
Due date: As per class timetable or Unit Study Guide
Simulated: Please submit the three (3) case studies you have chosen to observe and respond to, in order to complete this assessment.
Assessment to be submitted via
• TAFE Queensland Learning Management System (Connect):
• Username; 9 digit student number
• For password resets go to:
Instructions for the Assessor Students need to complete three (3) reports based on simulated or workplace; legal and ethical events. Provide guidance to ensure that students chose scenarios relevant to their field of study
• If students choose a simulated environment they must use the recorded scenarios in conjunction with the written documents for each case study supplied with this assessment task sheet. Links are located on this document and are better accessed via the digital assessment in Connect. Please ensure these links are working prior to giving the student the assessment.
• If students are completing this in the workplace, there may need to be accommodation for a later due date depending on when placement occurs during the student training pathway.
• If the provided links are not appropriate for your targeted industry group, access the scenario bank through resource bank, to find the most relevant scenarios for your cohort. You may upload these onto Connect so the students can access them. It may be required that a role play be performed by the trainer/assessor in real time or a recording to correspond to other scenarios that may be chosen.
Responses to each scenario should align to the Benchmark answers provided.
Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.
Assessment 3 – Workplace or Simulated Activities
As a workplace activity, whilst on placement or during paid employment in the relevant industry, identify three (3) situations that you observed, that have legal and/or ethical considerations, and complete the questions and activity to demonstrate the underpinning knowledge and skills required to appropriately respond in each situation.
As a simulated activity, watch three (3) role played recordings through the links provided and read the corresponding scenarios and identify the legal and/or ethical considerations.
You should observe the scenario as if you had just walked in on the situation, so you are a third-party person observing the incident.
These may relate to best practice, non-compliance or questionable work practices. Complete the questions and activity to demonstrate the underpinning knowledge and skills required to appropriately respond in each situation.
Situation 1 Sarah Adams
1. Identify and describe in detail the legal and / or ethical situation you have either observed during your placement, or watched and read in the provided link / scenario.
Bonnie, Sarah’s carer has introduced Sarah to Virginia who is the new carer that is taking over from Bonnie. Sarah’s response to Bonnies retirement is a gift of 50 scratchies that she has paid out of her pension. Bonnie did not refuse Sarah’s gift and accepted Sarah’s offer.
Bonnie should not accept the 50 scratchies because it has come out of Sarah’s pension and I think it is ethically wrong.
2. List relevant pieces of legislation and/or organisational guidelines that you would need knowledge of and may need to access, in order to respond to this situation. Provide a minimum of two (2) pieces of each
Disability Services Act 2006 (QLD), The Disability Discrimination ACT 1992
Report unethical practices, code of conduct
Reporting requirements and code of conduct are correct and relevant
3. In your role of a support worker and following organisation policy and procedure, how would you respond in this situation?
I would refuse to accept the gift of 50 scratchies from Sarah and kindly thank her and tell her that it would be unethical for me to receive this gift from her.
4. Provide two (2) strategies that you could discuss with your manager that could be used to increase staff knowledge and awareness of how to respond if this scenario occurs again to ensure best practices are followed?
Workshop to upskill knowledge of all staff so that they understand what procedures need to be followed in regard to what is ethically appropriate in Sarah’s scenario.
Follow up with all staff individually by email, face to face, and staff meeting to make sure they understand their ethical obligations and responsibilities to clients in the workplace by handing out information on ethics and legal organisational policies.
No new information supplied
You need to tell us specifically what topics will be covered in the training sessions
5. Following organisation guidelines for documentation, write a file note/report about this situation.
Date – 18/3/2022
Time – 11.15am
On Friday March 18 at 11.15am Bonnie, Sarah’s carer has introduced Sarah to Virginia who is the new carer that is taking over from Bonnie. Sarah’s response to Bonnies retirement is a gift of 50 scratchies that she has paid out of her pension. Bonnie did not refuse Sarah’s gift and accepted Sarah’s offer.
Situation 2 George Flint
1. Identify and describe in detail the legal and / or ethical situation you have either observed during your placement, or watched and read in the provided link / scenario.
George’s carer Jane is having a meeting with her supervisor and her supervisor has instructed Jane to advise George that he has to move to another residential facility because of his issues with his health and consent from his sister has been given. Jane is really concerned about George being moved to another facility and is worried how she is going tell George what is going to happen to him. George is not happy when Jane has told him that his sister has approved his removal to another facility and wants to talk to her about her making a decision for him without his consent.
I think it is unethical and George has a legal right to have a say in this matter especially when a very important decision has been made on his behalf without him knowing about it until he heard the news from Jane.
2. List relevant pieces of legislation and/or organisational guidelines that you would need knowledge of and may need to access, in order to respond to this situation. Provide a minimum of two (2) pieces of each
Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Organisational duty of care, personal care and assistance
Duty of care would be a policy. Not sure what you mean by personal care and assistance and how that relates to the scenario
3. In your role of a support worker and following organisation policy and procedure, how would you respond in this situation?
I would tell George that I am following instructions from my supervisor but I would also explain to him that he has ethical and legal rights and he also has the right to contest the decision that was made on his behalf.
I would also follow up with my manager and George’s sister to further discuss George’s situation to reconsider the decision that has been made and look at another solution that favours George and identify what he needs.
4. Provide two (2) strategies that you could discuss with your manager that could be used to increase staff knowledge and awareness of how to respond if this scenario occurs again to ensure best practices are followed?
Workshop to upskill knowledge of all staff so that they understand what procedures need to be followed when consent is required in this kind of scenario and what their responsibilities are.
Follow up with all staff individually by email, face to face, and staff meeting to make sure they understand their workplace, health and safety and duty of care obligations and responsibilities in the workplace.
No new information supplied
You need to tell us specifically what topics will be covered in the training sessions
5. Following organisation guidelines for documentation, write a file note/report about this situation.
Date – 21/3/2022
Time – 4pm
George’s carer Jane is having a meeting with her supervisor and her supervisor has instructed Jane to advise George that he has to move to another residential facility because of his issues with his health and consent from his sister has been given. Jane is really concerned about George being moved to another facility and is worried how she is going tell George what is going to happen to him. George is not happy when Jane has told him that his sister has approved his removal to another facility and wants to talk to her about her making a decision for him without his consent.
Situation 3 Henrietta Harris
1. Identify and describe in detail the legal and / or ethical situation you have either observed during your placement, or watched and read in the provided link / scenario.
Henrietta has asked Gary to live with her to give her 24 hrs a day support but has reservations about the offer. Henrietta tells Gary she only gets 2 hrs per day support and she needs more help and that she would pay him more money to stay at her home with her. Henrietta is insistent that it will be ok and Gary says he will think about it.
Gary should not be considering living with Henrietta and giving her support outside his regular work hours because he will not be covered by his organisations insurance if an incidence occurs. Gary must consider the ethical and legal implications that may arise if he agrees to Henrietta’s offer to live with her at her residence.
2. List relevant pieces of legislation and/or organisational guidelines that you would need knowledge of and may need to access, in order to respond to this situation. Provide a minimum of two (2) pieces of each
Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Organisational Job responsibilities, legal and ethical obligations
You are required to supply the names of two policies/procedures.
Job Description is correct. You require one more
3. In your role of a support worker and following organisation policy and procedure, how would you respond in this situation?
I would explain to Henrietta that it would not be possible for me to accept her offer because of the potential ethical and legal issues that may arise and I could get myself into trouble. I would also tell her if she were needing further assistance to put in a request to the organisation and if she needs any help, I would be more than willing to assist.
I would report this issue to management immediately.
4. Provide two (2) strategies that you could discuss with your manager that could be used to increase staff knowledge and awareness of how to respond if this scenario occurs again to ensure best practices are followed?
Workshop to upskill knowledge of all staff so they understand what procedures need to be followed in regard to job duties, how to respond to inappropriate requests, personal and professional boundaries in the workplace.
Follow up with all staff individually by email, face to face, and staff meeting to make sure they understand their workplace, health and safety and duty of care obligations and responsibilities in the workplace.
No new information supplied
You need to tell us specifically what topics will be covered in the training sessions
5. Following organisation guidelines for documentation, write a file note/report about this situation.
Date – 23/3/2022
Time – 7pm
Henrietta has asked Gary to live with her to give her 24 hrs a day support but has reservations about the offer. Henrietta tells Gary she only gets 2 hrs per day support and she needs more help and that she would pay him more money to stay at her home with her. Henrietta is insistent that it will be ok and Gary says he will think about it.
Henrietta’s home is messy and unhygienic and she also grabbed Gary’s arm which is not appropriate was reported to management



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