How Does the Service Promote the Health of the Clients They Engage With

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Assignment Task

Criteria 1 — Health promotion — How does the service promote the health of the clients they engage with? Reflect on the role of the health practitioner in this service and describe the impact they can have on the health and wellbeing of clients accessing this service. What are the ways the service and primary health practitioners promote health of the individual or community? What impact does the primary health practitioner have on its clients? How do I know the health practitioner does what I think they do • where’s the evidence? What forms of promotion have been/will be successful to this demographic? How do clients interact with the promotion, is there any way it can be improved? How do I know the health practitioner does what I think they do – where’s the evidence? Do they use evidence- based practice? 

Criteria 2 —Service collaboration — Which other services or health practitioners does this service collaborate with?

Who does this service collaborate with? Why and how would this service need to collaborate with other services? Does It benefit both? How does collaboration help Improve patient outcomes? Example? What key factors are needed for interprolessional collaboration? What are the consequences of poor collaboration? How would the consumer access the other services? 

Have I been specific in describing the collaborations? Have I clearly explained the collaborations in an easy to understand way? Have I clearly described the correlation between the specified service and other services as well as health practitioners? 

Criteria 3 — Social Determinants of Health (SDH) — Which SDH are influenced by this service? How can you measure the impact this service has on these SDH?

Does this service improve the well-being and health of citizens In this community? What social Determinants of Health does your Primary Health Care service address?

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

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