How You Think About Stress Matters” Please respond to the following: ·Please wat

How You Think About Stress Matters” Please respond to the following:
·Please watch this TED Talk, “Kelly McGonigal: How To Make Stress Your Friend” and then respond to the following questions:
What factors contribute the most to stress in your life right now?
Describe one stressful situation where you will be able to use the first intervention mentioned in the video (understanding that your body’s stress response is helpful).
Describe one stressful situation where you will be able to use the second intervention mentioned in the video (sharing your struggles with others who care about you).
Who are you currently supporting as they reach out to you under stress? If you can’t identify someone you fill this role for now, who could use your support in dealing with their stress?

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·Please wat appeared first on Assignmentio.


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