Please follow all the teachers correction/suggestions! Please use the sources that have already been mentioned and can add more also.
Below is what my teacher told me about my outline.
Yes, appropriate information included. However, as opposed to “Thesis Statement” you pose your research question here: “Why is medication for diabetics so expense in America?
Then move your reader to statement of the problem section.
Statement of the problem
This is where you discuss problematic issues such as families inability to afford costs
lack of pharmaceutical controls
premature mortality
Literature review section
This is where you discuss what other researchers are saying about the cost of diabetic meds. Include at least 3 or more studies in this section.
This section is where you discuss intervention strategies. You discuss your thoughts about how to change (make it better) the systems (micro /macro). There are numerous strategies also identified in the literature that you can include to support your thoughts.
This is where you discuss where some of the limitations may enter the picture. For example, meds are big business and America is a capitalist nation. Thus, pharmaceutical companies have strong lobbyists and it will take collaborative efforts to bring about change, but change can occur as we have seen historically with other issues.
This is where you provide your key points (things that you want your reader to remember) and conclude with a call for more research in this area.
Files that have RED letters in the body are from the teacher giving feedback….PLEASE use her feedback. VERY important that you do.
The two that are labeled as “Letchworth Lit Review Draft (1).docx and
letchworthelizabeth (4).docx” are the ones that have feedback on them.