Hr discussion questions | Human Resource Management homework help


Review the How to Strategically Align Employee Compensation with Your Company’s Objectives  article.

According to Stevens-Huffman (2012), “While compensation alone won’t ensure the attainment of the business plan, customized, strategic alignment of total rewards increases the likelihood of success.” (para. 2). Consider your current organization or one that you are familiar with and recommend two compensation and benefits strategies. Explain how those strategies support the current structure and contributes to organizational success. Your original response to this discussion should be a minimum of 200 words.

Read the How to Build a Boundaryless Organization article.

Mergers, globalization, and the desire to bring the right people together to work on the right projects are just some reasons employees are increasingly likely to be required to work beyond their own departmental or organizational boundaries. Discuss the challenges of working across boundaries and how human resources can prepare employees to thrive in a boundary-less organization. Your original response to this discussion question should be a minimum of 200 words. 

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