HSX298: Write a reflection on the choice of that one healthcare organization & the job position that you have selected: Personal Career Strategy II Report, NYP

Appendix B Reflection 

a. Write a reflection on the choice of that one healthcare organization & the
job position that you have selected.

b. The reflection should include the reasons why you are a suitable
candidate for that job position. Also, need to explain how that job position
will play a role in your career journey.

c.The word count should stay between 100 to 150 words. It is acceptable to
be 10% above or below this word limit.

What are the factors that can influence your decision? Does the company’s culture & job position align with

your personality, work interests, strengths, work/personal values
skills, educational background your experiences (CCAs, volunteer work, paid work)your aspirations What decision-making tools did you use to reach your decision?   How can the job position & organization help you grow your career journey?

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