SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 ABN 28 615 702 335ACN 615 702 335CRICOS Provider Code: 03647CRTO Provider Code 45272335: 03647CSITXFSA001 Usehygienic practicesfor food safetyTask 1Assessmnt SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0Blue Bay College89 Marsden Street Parramatta NSW 2150T: (02) 8897 3814 28 615 702 335ACN 615 702 335CRICOS Provider Code: 03647CRTO Provider Code 45272SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 Your Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) at Blue Bay College1. It is your duty to inform staff at Blue Bay College if you see, hear or comeacross any incident, situation or hazard that might require immediateattention2. In case of an emergency evacuation, you are required to follow theinstructions provided by your trainer. While exiting the building, keep calmand walk alongside the hand rails. Record of competency Unit code and titleLearner nameLearner ID numberLearner declarationI declare that:● I understand what is required to achieve competency in theabove unit/s● the work submitted for this assessment is my own work.Learner signature SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 Date For assessor use onlyAssessmentevidence submitted(indicate whetherlearner’s submission isSatisfactory, Not YetSatisfactory or NotSubmitted)Assessment Task 1SNYSNSAssessment Task 2SNYSNSAssessment Task 3SNYSNSAssessmentoutcomeCompetent Not Yet CompetentFeedbackFeedback methodface-to-face webconferencewriting/emailAssessor nameAssessor declarationI declare that the assessment conducted was valid, reliable, fairand flexible and that the learner has been advised of the unitoutcome and provided with feedback.Assessor signatureDate Learner declarationI declare that:● I have been informed of and accept the results of myassessment● I acknowledge and understand the feedback provided by theassessor.Learner signature SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0Assessment Task 1Knowledge questionsLearner instructionsAnswer the following questions and write your answers clearly in the spacesprovided. All questions must be answered correctly, and you must provide enoughdetail to demonstrate your knowledge. If you require more space to record yourresponse, attach a page clearly marked with your name and the unit title.Your responses should be submitted in written format (or in another format as agreedwith your assessor) and must be in your own words. Your assessor will ensure thatyou have been provided with all relevant documentation.Required resourcesFor this assessment, learners will need access to:● the internet● your state or territory Food Act and Regulations● Australia New Zealand Food Standards code (FSANZ)● current organisational policies and procedures relating to the Food SafetyProgram including safe hygienic practices for the production and sale of safefood products.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0Questions1. What is the legislation that governs the preparation and sale of food in yourstate or territory?2. Each Food Safety Program must comply with state or territory legislation.Describe 2 procedures a food business must implement according to thelegislation of your state or territory.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.03. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. StatementTrueFalseThe state government sends officers to inspect local foodpremises.The local council enforces food safety in a food premises.Local government councillors are personally responsible forinspecting food premises.The Environmental Health Officer (EHO) is responsible forinspecting a food business and enforcing legislativerequirements.All businesses preparing and selling food need a Food SafetyProgram.Staff skills and knowledge must include food safety and foodhygiene matters. 4. Multiple choice question: What does an Environmental Health Officer do?(Circle one answer).a. Inspect businesses for health and safety, food hygiene and foodstandards.b. Write food safety plans for businesses.c. Make staff inspections.d. Enforce industrial relations laws.5. Describe 3 possible consequences to a food business if food safetyrequirements are not met.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.06. Describe 3 possible consequences for employees or food handlers if foodsafety and hygiene requirements are not met.7. What are food safety procedures?8. Multiple choice question: Who is responsible for food safety in a food servicebusiness? (Circle one answer).a. the local councilb. the supplierc. everyone who works with foodd. the cleaning staff.9. What specific responsibilities do you and your fellow workers have in relation tofood safety? Identify 4 different responsibilities or obligations.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.010. What specific responsibilities does your employer have in relation to foodsafety?List 3 of these responsibilities.11. Provide 3 examples of organisational food hygiene procedures you mustfollow as a food handler.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.012. Multiple choice question: What should you do if you notice a potential hygienehazard, an unsafe hygiene practice or breach of food safety procedures?(Circle one answer).a. Nothing. The health and safety officer is responsible for reportingbreaches.b. Report it to your manager or supervisor straight away and complete anincident report as evidence.c. Tell your colleague so they can rectify the situation or change theirbehaviour.d. Fill out an incident form.13. Complete the table below by listing 2 examples of each type of contaminantand 3 ways you can prevent the hazards from occurring. Type ofcontaminantExamplesPreventionPhysicalMicrobiologicalChemical SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.014. For each of the given scenarios, identify the types of microbiologicalcontamination and the effects on the consumer. ScenarioType of bacteriaEffects/symptomsSneezing and coughingwhen preparing foodproductsNot washing vegetablesproperlyUsing food products thathave damaged packagingReusing utensils used forraw food products toprepare or handle cookedfood products withoutcleaning and sanitisingfirst 15. Describe how cross-contamination can occur.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.016. Identify 3 causes of food contamination.17. How can you, as an employee, avoid contaminating food products?List 4 personal hygiene requirements.18. Match the disease to its definition by drawing a line connecting each box onthe left with the correct answer on the right. DiseaseA food-borne disease is:An airborne disease is: DefinitionAny disease that is caused bypathogens and is transmitted throughthe air.Caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses,parasites or fungi; the diseases can bespread, directly or indirectly, from oneperson to another. SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0 An infectious disease is:Any illness that results fromconsuming contaminated food. 19. Name the 3 types of hazards that are most likely to contaminate foodproducts. Give an example of each hazard.20. In a Food Safety Program, you are required to follow procedures which willhelp prevent food poisoning. List 3 procedures you must follow to remove orminimise any potential hazards that could cause food poisoning.21. Bacteria needs a number of conditions to multiply. List 6 conditions bacterianeed for growth.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.022. Indicate whether the following statements about handwashing procedures aretrue or false. Correct handwashing procedures include thesesteps:TrueFalseUse handwashing facilities designated for handwashingonly.Clean hands thoroughly using soap or other effectivemeans.Only use cold running water.Rinse hands under water first before soaping.Dry hands on tea towel or other cloth.Wash hands in closest sink for speed and efficiency.Dry hands thoroughly on a single-use towel or papertowel, or in another way that is not likely to transferdisease-causing organisms onto the hands. 23. Food handlers are expected to wash their hands whenever their hands arelikely to contaminate food. Provide 8 different circumstances that would requirea food handler to wash their hands.SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.024. Describe a personal health issue that requires you to cease working with foodand report it to the appropriate person.25. Your badly cut finger has become infected and the adhesive bandage youused to cover it has fallen off since you started work. What should you do?26. Multiple choice question: Which of the following is both an item of personalprotective clothing and a method of protecting food from contamination fromyour clothing? (Circle one answer).a. A chef’s hatb. An apronc. Enclosed shoesSITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety.docxModified @ Blue Bay College Version 1.0d. A hairnet.27. Describe 2 ways that a food handler can ensure hygienic personal contactwith food or food contact surfaces.Comments, declaration and signature AssessorcommentsAssessor nameAssessordeclarationI declare that all requirements in Assessment Task 1 have beensatisfactorily completed and verbally authenticated if required.Assessor signatureDate Learner nameLearner declarationI declare that I have been informed of and accept the results of thispart of my assessment.Learner signatureDate
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